With borders reopening, it’s a good time to strengthen your international links
We are relaunching our international funding schemes for activities starting in the 2022/23 academic year. Our international partnership funds pump-prime international collaborations in research and education, with the view of establishing sustainable partnerships.
Global opportunities
The International Partnership Fund (IPF) aims to strengthen or initiate exchange between Warwick academics and their counterparts from leading international universities or institutes. We especially welcome proposals with partners in our priority regions (Africa, China, Europe & North America).
Applications are made through an online application form. The deadline for applications is Sunday 10 July 2022.
Strategic partnership opportunities
To complement our IPF scheme, we also have specific funds to encourage collaboration with most of our strategic partners. These grants are jointly evaluated and funded with our partners:
- The SJTU-Warwick Joint Seed Fund enables academics to work on projects jointly with colleagues from Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU), China and provides funding for projects lasting no longer than 12 months. Warwick academics can request 5,000 GBP from Warwick and SJTU academics can request 50,000 RMB from SJTU.
The deadline for this call is Sunday 10th July 2022. All funding for successful awards must be defrayed by 31st July 2023.
- The Monash Warwick Alliance offers several funding schemes to encourage research, teaching, and professional staff, as well as students, to collaborate with their counterparts in Monash, Australia. These schemes have recently been reactivated and are now open.
- The EUTOPIA Connected Research Communities and the Research Mobility Program will allow you to establish links with colleagues in Vrije Universitet Brussel, CY Cergy Paris University, University of Gothenburg, University of Ljubljana, Pompeu-Fabra University-Barcelona. The aims are to: support research visits across EUTOPIA partner universities, foster research collaborations, allow the sharing of expertise and infrastructures, and the development of joint research activities.
The EUTOPIA Connected Research Communities call closes on Friday 10th June 2022.
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