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Literary History, Cultural History and the Study of Modern Italy

Thursday 29th November 2007, 17:30-19:00, R0.03-4 Ramphal Building, Main Campus




What is at stake in writing literary history and/or cultural history today? What place does it or should it have in literary studies in general and, in particular, in Italian studies (whether in the UK, Italy or elsewhere)? Can literary history find ways of negotiating between the weight of the canon and the wider forces at play in literary and cultural fields?

This round table will discuss these and other questions arising out of the recent publication of two new histories of modern Italian literature:

  • Ann Hallamore Caesar and Michael Caesar: Modern Italian Literature
  • Robert S. C. Gordon: An Introduction to Twentieth-Century Italian Literature: A Difficult Modernity

In discussion with Robert Lumley (UCL), Franco Marenco (Turin), and Catherine O'Rawe (Bristol). Chair Peter Hainsworth (Oxford)

Attendance at this event and the following wine reception is free of charge

Contact: Josie Williams - for further information