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TEDx Warwick 2010

TEDx Warwick is your chance to listen to inspirational talks from many different speakers on a wide range of topics. Each TED talk challenges the speaker, in just 18 minutes, to radically change your way of thinking and open your eyes to new concepts and ideas.

TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design) is a global organisation, aimed at bringing these talks to people all over the world. TEDx is a new initiative launched by TED to allow independent groups to organise their own TED events. TEDx Warwick 09 was the first event of this kind in Europe, featuring talks from many famous figures including Philip Zimbardo (famous for the Stanford Prison Experiment) and Francois Grey (Head of IT Communications at CERN).

TEDx Warwick 10 promises to be just as exciting – the list of speakers is as follows:

Morning session speakers:

Angela Hobbs, Professor of Philosophy, Warwick
Kathleen Burk, Professor of History, UCL
Brenda King MBE, Chief executive of 'African Caribbean Diversity'
Steve Martin, Co-author 'Yes! 50 Secrets from the Science of Persuasion'
Rachel Armstrong, TED Fellow and Researcher at the The Bartlett School of Architecture
Herve This (exclusive recording), Physical Chemist, France

Afternoon session speakers:

Sir Roger Penrose, Mathematical Physicist, Oxford University (previously worked alongside Stephen Hawking)
Simon Berry, Founder of Cola-Life
Michael Mallows, Management Consultant and Psychotherapist
Alex Wright (via live feed), Director of User Experience and Product Research at The New York Times
Andrew Thorp, Developer of the theme 'From Capitalism to People-ism'
Noam Chomsky (exclusive recording), Notable American linguist, philosopher and political activist, MIT

Owing to the nature of such conferences, the lineup of speakers is subject to change.

More Information

Tickets for this event have now completely sold out.

For more information on the speakers please visit the TEDx Warwick website.

Watch the TEDx Warwick 2010 trailer

To have a look at some of our talks from last year's event, videos can be found on Warwick's iTunes U page or at

At a Glance
Date: Saturday 6 March 2010
Time: Morning Session: 10:45am to 3:00pm
Afternoon Session: 3:30pm to 7pm
Location: Mathematics and Statistics Building
Open To: Everyone
Cost: £3 for each session
Summary: Fascinating talks from a wide range of speakers.