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In the Shadow of Empire: The Post-Imperial Urban Imaginaries of London and Paris

'In the Shadow of Empire -The Post-Imperial Imaginaries of London and Paris’ is a one day conference that aims to initiate a dialogue between film theorists and cultural geographers concerning the myriad ways in which London and Paris, as former imperial capitals, are imagined and re-imagined from within the framework of the post-imperial. The notion of the ‘post-imperial’ is derived from Edward Said’s assertion that traces of imperialism continue to linger in the present, even though colonialism as such has largely come to an end.  Urban scholar Jane M. Jacobs agrees, stating “that traces of the imperial” or memories of empire can be reactivated through spatial means in former imperial cities.  Narratives of imperial and post-imperial mobilities continue to remain repressed within discourses on the ‘cinematic city’ as the story of the flaneur and other urban strollers continue to take precedence. One of the chief objectives of the conference is to expand the parameters of the study of these ‘cinematic cities’ through a resurrection and consideration of the relevance of discourses related to empire and urban space.

An exploration of the cinematic landscape of a city is often an interdisciplinary endeavour, one that extends beyond the scope of film analysis and into the terrain of urban studies and cultural geography.  Similarly, certain cultural geographers and urban theorists draw upon cinematic analogies in their examination of space, culture and the city.  This form of cross-disciplinary fertilization is one that is acknowledged by scholars in both fields and as such, this conference aims to develop a forum of exchange whereby scholars from the disciplines in question as well as cultural practitioners can discuss the ways in which such forms of interaction can advance research by developing new paradigms of scholarship and debate across more than one area of study

For further information & a booking form please visit the conference website at