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Will face masks become the norm in Europe? Expert comment

With many European governments making it compulsory to wear face masks in certain public places, and others recommending it, will masks become part of ‘the new normal’ in the UK? Professor Helen Spencer-Oatey and Professor Perry Hinton look at what norm theory can tell us about behaviour change.

How does wearing a face mask become the cultural norm? Expert comment

The UK Government has begun recommending the wearing of non-medical face coverings in enclosed spaces. Will it become the norm to see people in Britain wearing masks while outside their homes? Professor Helen Spencer-Oatey and Professor Perry Hinton look at how mask-wearing became the norm in other cultures in this comment piece.

Why are people feeling driven to panic buy? Expert comment

"It is … important to realize that fear and anxiety are linked to our cognitive biases and that others might want to manipulate these emotional triggers in us." Dr Georg Löfflmann of the Department of Politics and International Studies comments on the factors influencing people to strip the supermarket shelves of essential goods.

Dr Helen Atherton on the use of digital consultations to combat coronavirus spread

Dr Helen Atherton, expert in the use of digital routes of access to general practice and alternatives to the face-to-face consultation at Warwick Medical School, comments on the use of video-based consultations of patients by hospitals to reduce the risk of spreading the coronavirus.

Coronavirus declared a Public Health Emergency of International Concern

Global health law expert Dr Sharifah Sekalala comments on the WHO decision to declare 2019-nCoV a Public Health Emergency of International Concern

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