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Indestructible bridges could be a reality

A new generation of indestructible bridges could be possible, thanks to research from the University of Warwick.

Wed 13 Jul 2016, 15:09 | Tags: Academic Staff, Engineering, University of Warwick, architecture

World’s most adaptable simulator launch at WMG, University of Warwick

The world’s most adaptable vehicle simulator has been launched by WMG at the University of Warwick by Professor Dr Ralf Speth, Chief Executive Officer Jaguar Land Rover.

WMG, University of Warwick gains prestigious Regius Professorship in Manufacturing

WMG, at the University of Warwick, has been bestowed the prestigious Regius Professorship in Manufacturing by Her Majesty the Queen.

Mon 06 Jun 2016, 08:09 | Tags: Engineering, WMG

Major motoring developments crown Coventry’s 120 year Motor City legacy

Two major investments in the automotive industry in Coventry will create world class facilities for the automotive industry in a resurgent “Motor City” Coventry, and both will be built in the year that will mark 120 years of motor manufacturing history in the City. The first British motor car was made in Coventry in 1897 by The Daimler Motor Company Limited but the company that is playing a central role in Coventry’s resurgence as a “Smart Motor City” is Jaguar Land Rover who is key to two major motor developments in the city both of which will be complete, or well underway, by 2017.

From teenage school student to doctoral researcher, WMG’s ‘Class of 2016’ to share their year of learning online

WMG at the University of Warwick has launched, the ‘Class of 2016,’ an exciting new initiative to showcase its world-class education programmes, and the opportunities they offer people at any stage of their career.

Warwick shares in £167million investment in engineering, technology & science PhDs

The University of Warwick is to receive almost £5million funding to support the next generation of engineering, technology & science researchers.

New WMG Academy for Young Engineers in Solihull receives £1.1m to tool up young engineers

Just as building work on a second WMG Academy for Young Engineers in Chelmsley Wood, Solihull enters an exciting new phase; a £1.1m grant has been confirmed from Greater Birmingham and Solihull Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) towards state of the art, industry standard engineering and IT equipment.

Mon 09 Nov 2015, 14:38 | Tags: Education, Engineering, WMG, WMG Academy

University of Warwick and National Grid seek to expand their £1.5 million partnership

This week the University of Warwick and National Grid have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to extend the successful strategic alliance they have operated for last two years. To date that alliance has engaged in over £1.5 million worth of research and studentships in areas such as: electricity transmission asset management, gas transmission, microtunnelling, and cyber security.

Wed 07 Oct 2015, 17:15 | Tags: Business, Business Members, Engineering

Building begins on the new WMG Academy for Young Engineers in Solihull

Work has started on building a second WMG Academy for Young Engineers in Chelmsley Wood, Solihull. Scheduled for completion in July 2016, the new academy is currently taking applications for the first cohort of students to start in September 2016.

Tue 15 Sept 2015, 11:47 | Tags: Engineering, Students, WMG, WMG Academy

WMG establishes new National Plastics Processing Centre

WMG at the University of Warwick has established a new National Plastics Processing Centre (NPPC) which will provide a national hub for innovation and research in plastics processing.

Thu 13 Aug 2015, 09:18 | Tags: Engineering, Sciences, WMG

WMG Academy Young Engineers are given the tools to succeed

The WMG Academy for Young Engineers in Coventry has received a Coordinate Measuring Machine (CMM) on loan from WMG, at the University of Warwick. The machine will assist students with verification and measurement when producing parts, ensuring they are trained in the most efficient industrial processes and with the same equipment used by world leading manufacturing companies.

Thu 23 Jul 2015, 12:17 | Tags: Engineering, Students, WMG, WMG Academy

First graduate & first 200,000 hours of high tech study from new Jaguar Land Rover & WMG programme

The very first Masters student graduated, on Tuesday 14th July, at the University of Warwick from a technology programme which trains staff from across Jaguar Land Rover. From the shop floor to senior managers, and from all disciplines, the Technical Accreditation Scheme (TAS) is designed to develop employees skills to help create the next generation of vehicles and staff across Jaguar Land Rover have now completed over 200,000 hours of study in the new programme.

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