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The Coull Quartet at 30

The Coull Quartet was appointed Quartet-in-Residence at the University of Warwick in September 1977. Philip Gallaway reflects on 30 rewarding years in the post.
Fri 25 Jan 2008, 10:59 | Tags: Music, Campus Life, Community, Culture, Celebrities and Personalities

One World Week - 18th-26th January 2008

The world’s largest student-run international event - One World Week - returns to campus from the 18th to 26th January 2008, and is guaranteed to be an inspiring and unique week of multi-cultural diversity in action.

Coull Quartet Record Soundtrack to Radio 4 Drama

The University's Quartet in Residence, the Coull Quartet, and two Warwick alumni are involved in a BBC Radio 4 drama called 'Resurrecting Schubert' to be aired on Wednesday 8 December.
Fri 03 Dec 2004, 09:57 | Tags: Music

Warwick duet cops top prize in Performing Arts Festival

The combined melodic voices of Anna Bolton(WBS staff)and Belinda Quarmby Warwick student, won them first prize in the Leamington Spa Competitive Festival duet class last Saturday making them the proud owners of a large cup!

Wed 11 Aug 2004, 11:00 | Tags: Music, Performance, Undergraduate Students, Academic Staff

A celebration for peace - the Leamington Peace Festival

From the drum beats of Africa, the sweet sounds of salsa, the pumping rhythms of rock, the melodic strains of country and folk combined with acrobats, poets, dancers, art and craft workshops, the Leamington Peace Festival is where the boundaries of culture merge for peace.

Warwick Symphony Orchestra play at Indian "Mega-Weddings"

The University of Warwick Symphony Orchestra has just returned from an all-expenses paid trip to India where they played at two extravagant weddings.

Fri 06 Aug 2004, 14:04 | Tags: Music, University Affairs, Performance

Arts Centre Student Stand-by Deals

Did you know that the Warwick Arts Centre does weekly student stand-by deals?

Warwick Student Radio gets Radio 1 Christmas Slot

The early hours of Christmas morning will prove busy for RaW, the award-winning student radio station at Warwick University, as they present a special four-hour show on BBC Radio 1.

Tue 03 Aug 2004, 11:28 | Tags: Students' Union & Societies, Music, Undergraduate Students

Warwick Arts Centre Autumn Preview

An outstanding autumn of theatre at Warwick Arts Centre promises critically acclaimed and award winning drama.

Mon 26 Jul 2004, 14:20 | Tags: Music, University Services, University Affairs, Culture, Theatre, Art

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