Summer Degree Ceremonies 2014
The University’s Summer Degree Ceremonies will take place from Monday 14 to Saturday 19 July 2014, celebrating our students' successes and achievements.
A total of twelve ceremonies will be held throughout the week in the Butterworth Hall, during which around 4,000 students will graduate from the University. More information about the schedule for the week can be found here.
As well as celebrating student successes, honorary degrees will be awarded to distinguished people who have made important contributions to cultural, intellectual, social, economic or political life.
This year’s recipients include leading environmental lawyer Martyn Day, US playwrite Tarrell McCraney and international relations scholar Professor Michael Doyle. Each honorary graduand will be presented by an orator, who will deliver a short citation about the achievements that have led to the award of the degree. Find out more about our 2014 Honorary Graduands
Warwick Awards for Teaching Excellence
The Warwick Awards for Teaching Excellence (WATE) will also be presented at this year’s ceremonies. The WATE Awards give staff and students the opportunity to recognise and celebrate excellence in teaching and the support of learning at Warwick.
Congratulations go to Andrew Dove, Chemistry; Jack Elliot, History; Emma King, Learning and Development Centre; Margaret Low, Warwick Manufactring Group; and Leanne Williams, Life Sciences.
Congratulations also go to this year's commendees: Chris Bilton, Cultural Policy Studies; Jane Bryan Law; Matthew Leeke, Computer Science ; Erzsebet Strausz, PAIS; and Gerald Willey, Chemistry.