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A Response to the UK Energy Review - Renewable Sources and the Nuclear Option
16:07, Tue 24 Oct 2006
In the face of both increasing concern about climate change and questions as to the security of our gas and oil supplies the Government is undertaking a major review examining the future options for energy provision in the UK. Much of the debate surrounding the issue of energy policy is focussed on the possible role of nuclear power in supplying the UK's energy needs. In a new report Dr Catherine Mitchell and Dr Bridget Woodman from the University of Warwick's Centre for Management Under Regulation argue that investing in nuclear energy would actually undermine the development and future effectiveness of more sustainable energy sources as well as leaving the UK with financial and ecological problems for decades to come. They suggest that building new nuclear power stations will not help the Government meet its stated aims for tackling climate change, ensuring the security of our energy supplies or building a sustainable energy infrastructure to meet the UK's energy requirements. Dr Mitchell is a Principal Research Fellow at the Centre for Management under Regulation. Her research interests include energy policy; sustainable development; economic regulation. Dr Woodman is a Research Fellow at the Centre for Management under Regulation with research interests in energy policy and regulation, in particular renewable energy and nuclear power; environmental equity and justice.
(MP3 format, 23 MB)
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