University of Warwick Podcasts
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A New Direction for the Child Support Agency
16:07, Tue 24 Oct 2006
Length: 25 minutes Since its establishment in 1993 the UK's Child Support Agency has faced mounting criticsm about its ability to administer a support system often labeled as inneffective and unfair. Despite revisions to the processes and methods of calculating liabilty the CSA finds itself facing yet another review as Government ministers try and untangle the child support problem. In a recent report Professor Ian Walker from the University of Warwick and Dr Yu Zhu from Kent University have proposed a radical new approach to child support, arguing that the CSA itself should carry the liability for payments as an incentive for chasing 'dead-beat dads'. Professor Ian Walker is a member of the Economics Department at the University of Warwick. His research interests include the econometrics of the labour market and applied aspects of public policy issues, such as taxation and work incentives, social security issues, the analysis of risk aversion, and the relationship between parental incomes and child the Warwick Medical School.
(MP3 format, 24 MB)
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