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University of Warwick Professor discovers earliest missing Alistair Cooke ‘Letter from America’ episodes

University of Warwick professor has found three missing ‘Letter from America’ episodes including two of the earliest episodes ever recorded.

The turkey take-over - how the turkey stole Christmas

It’s hard to imagine Christmas dinner without Turkey. A University of Warwick food historian has explored its history and how it took over as the traditional Christmas dinner.

Warwick Professor Uncovers the Untold Stories of Women in Sikh History

A new book by a University of Warwick Professor has uncovered the hidden stories of women throughout Sikh history.

Explore Warwick’s Modern Records Centre with the Heritage Open Days

The University of Warwick invites you to embark on a journey through time as part of the national Heritage Open Days festival.

Thu 05 Sept 2024, 23:28 | Tags: Event, History, Modern Records Centre

UK Riots: The Deep-Rooted Legacy of Racism and Scapegoating Beyond Social Media

Recent riots across the UK have sparked widespread discussion about the role of social media in spreading hatred and disinformation. However, Dr Simon Peplow, a historian and expert in British race relations at the University of Warwick, argues that these events are part of a much longer and deeper history of racism and scapegoating in Britain.

Tue 06 Aug 2024, 14:27 | Tags: History

University of Warwick to restore unique historical Venetian document as part of new Marco Polo International Programme launch

Researchers at the University of Warwick’s Warwick Venice Centre, will restore a significant historical document that has been lost for more than 70 years, revealing a new perspective on global exchange in the decade after Marco Polo’s death.  

Thu 06 Jun 2024, 10:08 | Tags: History 1 - Research Venice

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