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Press Releases

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University of Warwick spin out company to develop world’s only testosterone patch for menopause

A company born out of ground-breaking research at The University of Warwick has raised almost £3 million of to develop a testosterone patch for people suffering from low libido and reduced zest for life due to the menopause.

Pathogen mapped for the first time – to understand evolution and potential treatments

A parasite which has devasting impacts on agriculture and human health is the first pathogen to have its proteins located and mapped within its cells – providing clues to their function and helping to identify potential drug targets.

Meat alternatives can lower your cholesterol, study finds

Substituting meat with plant-based meat alternatives lowers ‘bad’ cholesterol, according to new research from the University of Warwick.

AI research at the University of Warwick will speed up colon cancer diagnoses, thanks to a £2.6m grant

Artificial Intelligence (AI) will help to speed up colon cancer diagnoses, thanks to a £2.6m research grant.

Cancer origin identified through cell ‘surgery’ – new research

Research from the University of Warwick sheds new light on a key cause of cancer formation during cell division (or mitosis), and points towards potential solutions for preventing it from occurring.

Innovative Solutions to the exploitation of health data in the global South

An international research team led by Prof Sharifah Sekalala of Warwick Law School has been awarded €1.4 million to examine how to better regulate the collection and migration of health data of people in the global South in order to protect privacy and prevent exploitation of their personal information.

Wed 23 Feb 2022, 08:06 | Tags: Health, Grants, app, Africa, South Africa, Kenya, privacy, Wellcome

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