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National Student Survey ranks University of Warwick third amongst Russell Group institutions for overall satisfaction

Students at the University of Warwick have the third-highest level of overall satisfaction with their academic experience of all institutions in the Russell Group of leading universities, according to the latest results of an annual survey.

Thu 07 Jul 2022, 16:02 | Tags: Students

Celebration for Coventry’s Kare Adenegan at the University of Warwick

An official celebration marking the success of Coventry Paralympian, Kare Adenegan ,has been held at the University of Warwick.

Fri 18 Mar 2022, 13:11 | Tags: Event, Students, Sport and Wellness Hub, History, Sport

Warwick student donations raise nearly £47k for British Heart Foundation in 2021

Students at the University of Warwick raised £46,928 for the British Heart Foundation (BHF) and helped cut waste on campus by donating unwanted clothes and personal items last academic year.

EUTOPIA takes major step towards integration with new mobility agreement

This week, a mobility agreement was signed between EUTOPIA's six founding universities: the University of Warwick, Pompeu Fabra University, CY Cergy Paris University, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, University of Gothenburg, and Univerza v Ljubljani.

Warwick - UK’s top esports university - invests £275,000 in new esports centre and seeks backers to bring skills, tourists, and new opportunities to Coventry and Warwickshire

People playing esportsThe University of Warwick has announced, today Tuesday 18th May 2021, that is investing £275,000 of its own earned income into establishing a new flexible esports centre to be located at the heart of Warwick campus. It will operate alongside new facilities to stimulate innovation in the, in the newly named ‘Junction’ facility.

Tue 18 May 2021, 13:56 | Tags: Students, esports, Sport

Black history and 2D ‘wonder’ materials researched by European PhD scholars at Warwick

Black heritage, British political satire, ovarian cancer, and two-dimensional ‘wonder’ materials — all of these are subjects that will be researched by the second cohort of pan-European co-tutelle PhD scholars at the University of Warwick.

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