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The University of Warwick in top 1% for THE rankings sustainability category

The University of Warwick is in the top 1% of institutions in a key sustainability ranking published today by (THE) Times Higher Education.

Roundtable showcases the University of Warwick’s sustainable heat network system

The University of Warwick has showcased its leading role in research into decarbonisation at a roundtable event.

Early career researchers from across the world unite at the University of Warwick to tackle climate change

This week (14-20 April) the University of Warwick welcomes a cohort of early career researchers (ECRs) to its Sustainability Training School.

Games in the classroom and the boardroom: How ‘serious games’ are helping us learn

A team of researchers are encouraging us to swap textbooks for games, as they drive the application of games in learning, engagement and research.

Halloween and Bonfire night - It’s a tough time to be a hedgehog

As the University of Warwick works towards Gold accreditation for being a Hedgehog Friendly Campus, Sustainability Assistant, Teegan Hayden-Smith discusses why the period between Halloween and Bonfire night is a tough time to be a hedgehog.

Tue 31 Oct 2023, 12:09 | Tags: Environment, sustainability, Hedgehogs, Animals

Family-Friendly Fun in ‘Planting Roots Festival’ at Warwick Arts Centre

The University of Warwick's Warwick Arts Centre invites families in the local community to a day of eco-friendly entertainment and creativity at the Planting Roots Festival on Saturday, November 4th, 2023.

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