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University of Warwick Installs Advocate Bience Gawanas as New Chancellor

The Namibian lawyer, diplomat, and social justice advocate, Bience Gawanas, has been installed as the new Chancellor of The University of Warwick.

The University of Warwick restore and unveil unique historical Venetian parchment

Researchers at The University of Warwick’s Warwick Venice Centre have restored a significant historical document that has been lost for more than 70 years.

University of Warwick Professor discovers earliest missing Alistair Cooke ‘Letter from America’ episodes

University of Warwick professor has found three missing ‘Letter from America’ episodes including two of the earliest episodes ever recorded.

How to stick to your New Years resolutions – from a behaviour expert

A behavioural science expert from The University of Warwick is sharing his five top tips to help you stick to your New Years resolutions.

Fri 13 Dec 2024, 08:00 | Tags: 1 - display on digital screens Behavioural Science

Transforming Obesity Care: New Study Explores Digital Based Weight Management Support

A new study from The University of Warwick is looking at how an app and remote consultations could help the NHS support people living with obesity.

The enigma of embryonic development: how certain animals trim their genomes

New research is underway to decipher a fascinating biological puzzle—how some animals can naturally discard more than half of their genetic information during embryonic development.