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Our mental health and wellbeing

Warwick RECOVERS: Responding to COVID by Enhancing Resilience in Students

Globally, mental health and wellbeing have been directly and indirectly impacted by COVID-19. The RECOVERS project investigates how Warwick students are coping with the pandemic and its impact on their lives. Data will be used to keep students safe and well, to ensure the resilience of campus support services, and to provide crucial information on how the pandemic is affecting mental wellbeing.


How looking after our mental health can help boost our immune system

Looking after our wellbeing and mental health is vital in difficult times. Fear and anxiety can suppress our immune system, so finding ways to be kind to ourselves and others while we deal with the spread of COVID-19 will boost our immune system and help fight infection explains Professor Sarah Stewart-Brown from Warwick Medical School.


Why mental wellbeing matters in a time of coronavirus

As communities across the globe pull together during these testing and challenging times, we are all faced with the turmoil of big changes to our daily lives, as well as ongoing uncertainty and anxiety. Dr Harbinder Sandhu from Warwick Clinical Trials Unit explains some of the feelings we may all experience and shares some tips for looking after your own wellbeing.


How is the pandemic affecting family relationships?

It’s unsurprising that some families find that tensions grow whilst living in close quarters. Families are having to find ways of living together that they aren't used to, and many of their usual ways of coping have been removed, says Professor Sarah Stewart-Brown. She argues that we can develop a new appreciation for family if we can express and acknowledge our emotions in this difficult period.


Lights out: The impact of coronavirus on our sleep

From struggling to get to sleep, to sleeping for longer with more vivid dreams, the outbreak of COVID-19 has affected many people's sleep cycles. So why is it important that we do get sufficient sleep during the pandemic? What steps can we take to improve our sleep, and how can set our sleep clock? Hear from Dr Michelle Miller from Warwick Medical School as she discusses sleep and coronavirus.