Application Guidance
Thank you for your interest in this call. Please refer to the guidance below whilst completing your application, and please ensure you have read the terms and conditions for this call before applying. Please contact with any queries or to discuss the details of your application.
Applicants [to amend depending on nature of call]
ECRs/PGRs are welcome to apply.
Undergraduate students are not eligible.
Criteria [to amend depending on nature of call]
All costs must be incurred before 31/7/2025
Project/activity end-date must not exceed the applicant’s contract end-date, if applicable.
Eligible Costs [to amend depending on nature of call]
Consumables, travel and accommodation for relevant travel
Venue hire and catering where there is a demonstrable business need for this
Research assistance
Experiment costs, participant fees
Travel for external speakers
Ineligible Costs [to amend depending on nature of call, but fin regs will apply generally]
Salary costs, or 'buyout' of time of PIs/Co-Is
Undergraduate student activities, or activities that form part of any assessed work at any level.
Equipment costs
Please get in touch with our IDR Programme Administrator, if you want to discuss applying for Spotlight funding in conjunction with other internal sources of funding or if you would like advice on external funding.
Please complete the online application formLink opens in a new window here. Please refer to the section below on completing your application.
This call went live on DATE. The deadline for applications is DATE. We aim to review applications in ESTIMATE TIME. Applications will be reviewed by DETAILS OF PANEL AND PROCESS. We aim to inform applicants of the outcome by DATE via COMMS EG EMAIL.
I confirm that this activity’s end-date does not exceed the end-date of my employment contract (if applicable).
I understand that this funding must be defrayed by the 31st of July 2025. A member of the Spotlights team will be in touch closer to the time to review the use of any remaining budget. If there is any risk of delay to my planned spend activity I will inform .
I will use the code and/or reference provided by RIS for making any purchases/orders.
I confirm that I have completed the full version of the Epigeum research integrity trainingLink opens in a new window, and that I have checked and obtained any relevant ethical approval.Link opens in a new window
I have checked whether this activity requires a risk assessment Link opens in a new windowand obtained this if necessary.
I confirm that I have completed any other due diligence Link opens in a new windowchecks if my activity involves collaborators.
I have checked whether this activity requires any contract(s) or agreement(s) and obtained these where necessary. Examples of possible contracts or agreements include for collaboration with external institutions (including other Universities), activities involving a transfer of funds/other resources, sharing of data, or creation of intellectual property (especially if involving external partners) Further information can be found here Link opens in a new windowand hereLink opens in a new window.
I agree to provide updates during and after the activityfor future reporting purposes, using the report template provided. This report should detail the use of the funds; achievement of outputs and outcomes from the award; how the activities have contributed to the strategy; future plans to build on the work done and further funding applications made or planned. Report forms are available here Link opens in a new window[LINK TO RDF VERSION, NEED TO TWEAK].
I agree to acknowledge the Spotlights when promoting this activity and will use RIS provided text and images where requested.
I agree to images from the event being used on Spotlight/research culture webpages.
Please see a list of questions from the application form below, with suggestions of what to include in your answers.
(optional) Which of our Spotlight's themes does this project/activity align with? Select all that apply
Please refer to the information about our themes here [LINK] and explain which of these your activity aligns with.
Details of the team, including any internal or external collaborators, detailing their track record
Please list all collaborators (including any external partners) with details of their department and faculty, outlining the nature of their involvement and their capability/track record to deliver this activity.
Project/activity description (including how this activity aligns with this Spotlight’s strategy, as well as with the guidance for this particular call)
Please include:
Project/activity description (avoiding or defining any technical terms/concept) -
E.g. We plan to invite researchers from across the University with an interest/experience in AI themes to share best practise and explore opportunities for interdisciplinary approaches to AI, with a view to developing a core team of experts and build capacity to be in a state of readiness for the next funding call.
Plan/project breakdown with dates -
E.g.step 1 - scoping of existing networks, mapping expertise across the Uni (April - May 2025); 2 - produce comms, liaising with relevant comms teams (April 2025), 3 - hire venue, 4 - send invites (June 2025), 5 - finalise agenda for the day, 6 - host event, 7 - follow-up activities and comms)
Methodology, including an explanation of the interdisciplinary component of the activity. For the purposes of this call we use the UKRI definition of interdisciplinarity, meaning a 'collaboration between two or more fields to achieve outcomes beyond the reach of one discipline'
Size and location/platforms -
E.g.We are expecting/targetting approximately 120 delegates, and plan to host the event at The Slate. We will use MS Forms to manage registration.
Intended outcomes, including future funding -
E.g. This activity will establish a critical mass of related researchers, building Warwick's reputation for excellence in this area, and increasing our preparedness for the next funding call, TBA Q4 2025.
Alignment with Spotlight strategy and specific call guidance
Please refer to the Spotlight webpages for info about its strategy, and the call info page for details for this particular call. [LINKS]
Which of this Spotlight's theme(s) does this activity align with (optional)?[LINK]
Feel free to attach this information in a separate document if easier.
Financial plan e.g. full amount requested (GBP), breakdown of costs, details of any other funding received. Please also include the contact details for your department’s finance contact
Please include:
Full amount requested in GBP -
E.g. £2000
Breakdown of costs. For help with this please fill out this costing tool [LINK] and attach a copy below.
E.g. RA hire for preliminary mapping exercise £600; travel and expenses for external speakers £2500; venue hire £400.
Details of any other funding received to support this activity, including from other Spotlights:
I have also obtained funding from my department who have committed £1000, and the Warwick AI Society have pledged to provide £500.
Supporting documents
E.g. CV(s), Gantt chart, costing tool