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Cultural Value Internationally

Bouchenaki, M. (2011) 'The extraordinary development of museums in the Gulf States', Museum International 63: 3-4, 93–103

  Academic research on the radical changes in national cultural policies in the Gulf States
British Council
(2013) 'Culture Means Business'
    A report on how culture affects the status of a country brand as a potential business partner
British Council (2013) 'The Power of Culture to Change Lives'
    A report on the role of culture in various challenges, e.g. economic development & post-conflict reconstruction
British Council, IPSOS
& Booz Allen Hamilton
(2013) 'Culture At Work: The value of intercultural skills in the workplace'
    A report build on data that illustrates the importance employers place on workers having intercultural skills
British Council
& J. Holden
(2013) 'Influence and Attraction: Culture and the Race for Soft Power in the 21st Century'
The report examines data on cultural relations and discusses the use of culture in global standing
House of Lords (2013) 'Soft Power and the UK's Influence - Committee (Oral and Written Evidence)'
    A summary of the evidence presented to the governmental Select Committee on Soft Power
Lim, L. (2012) 'Cultural Policy in Asia'
    Special issue of the International Journal of Cultural Policy
Otmazgin, N. K. (2008)

'Contesting soft power: Japanese popular culture in East and Southeast Asia'

    Academic research that complicates usefully research on soft power through Japanese culture in East Asia
Otmazgin, N. K. (2011) 'A Tail that Wags the Dog? Cultural industry and Cultural Policy in Japan and South Korea'
    Academic research from the 'Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis' with comparative case studies on cultural policy
White, A. & S. Xu (2012) 'A Critique of China's Cultural Policy and the Development of its Cultural and Creative Industries: the Case of Shanghai'
    Academic research from 'Cultural Trends' offering connections between policy and creative industries in China
World Cities
Culture Forum
(2012) 'World Cities Culture Report'
    A collaborative report supporting and advocating for culture, supported by the Mayor of London