Study Space
During the Summer Term exam period, Central Timetabling aims to free up as much space as possible for individual or group study.Teaching activities still have to be scheduled first and they of course use up a lot of our space, but there are still a large number of slots when our rooms are available for study. Keep an eye out for the Study Space logo across campus, highlighting where extra study spaces can be found.This page lists the specific arrangements that are in place from the beginning of term to support this goal and a map showing which buildings have extra study space as a quick guide. Students are also advised to contact their departments as some are able to allocate their own rooms to students requiring space for revision. |
Study optionsLIB1 will be available for 24 hours a day throughout term 3, with the exception of the weeks commencing 6th May (as it is being used for exams) and 25th June. The Oculus Building (the foyer areas are available to use from 8am - 10pm) and Social Sciences rooms S0.11, S0.19 and S0.20. Teaching rooms are are available (from 9am) for revision or study during the periods they are not booked for teaching. The screens outside each room will clearly state when the room is available and for how long. If you use one of the rooms, please ensure that you have cleared your things away 5 minutes prior to the beginning of the next booked session. |
The following Centrally Timetabled rooms have been block booked for students to use for quiet study, whether in groups or privately between 09:00 - 18:00. There are also a number of bookable spaces in the University's dedicated Learning Grid study spaces, in both Leamington and University House (a map showing which buildings have extra study space can be found here)
22nd April - 19th May (weeks 30-33)
H0.01, H4.22/4, (Humanities); S1.141 (Social Sciences), LIB1 (Library) - total of 75 spaces
20th May - 26th May (week 34)
H0.01, H0.43, H1.07, H2.44, H2.45, H2.46, H3.56, H3.57, H4.01, H4.02, H4.22/4, H4.45 (Humanities); S0.28, S1.141, S0.52 (Social Sciences), LIB1 (Library) - total of 217 spaces
27th May - 28th June (weeks 35 - 39)
H0.01, H0.02, H0.05, H0.43, H0.56, H1.02, H1.03, H1.07, H2.44, H2.45, H2.46, H3.05, H3.56, H3.57, H3.58, H4.01, H4.02, H4.22/4, H4.45 (Humanities); S0.28, S1.141, S0.52, S2.73 (Social Sciences), LIB1 (Library please note available until week 38 only) - total of 311 spaces
Please note and adhere to the start/finish times of all study space bookings, there is a high chance the rooms will have bookings in them after the study space allocation. If any additional time is needed outside these times, individual bookings can be made via the online booking form. All additional bookings for revision will be referenced as general study space for all students to use and not for exclusive use by the booker. The reference X.OPENSTUDYSPACE will display on reports and screens outside rooms with the required facility
If you require a room for revision/study after 18:00 please continue to use the Web Room Booking form on our website.
For University House Learning Grid bookings, please see this link.
For Leamington Learning Grid bookings, please see this link.
For information about the Learning Grid in the Rootes Building, please visit this page. This page is to be used for booking one of the two group study/presentation rooms in the space, for group work and presentation work. These are not to be used for individual study.