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New for 2022: Latest updates to regulation, policy and guidance

Changes for 22-23

As was previously communicated in July, there are a number of changes to policy, regulation and guidance that will take effect in the 22-23 academic year. Full information on the changes is available here.

Key areas to note are operational policy for exams, revision of the Mitigating Circumstances Policy and guidance, updates to the Rules for Award, changes to the Academic Integrity Framework, and the introduction of the Maximum Period of Study Policy.

Consultation on Changes to Regulation, Policy and Guidance for 23-24

There is currently a project underway to update a range of regulations and policy, to reconcile them with newer policies that have been introduced over the last few years.

The project aims to remove contradictions, reduce difficulties in interpretation, and make provision where there have been undesirable outcomes.

There won't be any new concepts, but to ensure consistency the updates will form a package that spans across a number of different policies and regulations.

To ensure that the implications of the revisions are properly understood and do not cause negative impacts on a localised departmental and course level, the package will be distributed to departments in the second half of Term 1 for feedback and comments.

We anticipate that departments will want to involve people from a range of roles in the consultation, and hope that Department Teaching or Education Committee will be able to discuss the package and provide departmental-level feedback before the revisions are finalised.