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Working for more than Profit

This is a new event to the Warwick Spring term programme and is very much driven by student demand to meet with a wide variety of organisations and individuals including Warwick Alumni across the Not for Profit Sectors.

Our Working for more than profit event encourages students to engage with organisations whose primary focus is working for more than commercial benefit. This event is seeking to attract, a broad range of organisations including those working in international development, social research and the third/charity sector. Although you do not have to have immediate vacancies or work opportunities, this may help when engaging with students.

We also welcome back alumni of the University working within the sector who wish to share their knowledge and insight of working within the Not for Profit sector to help our current students as they begin their career journey.

There is no charge for organisations to attend and alumni expenses will be covered where required.

Book early to ensure you secure a place as availability is limited.
Wednesday 31st January 2018 12 noon - 3 pm

To book your place please email employerconnect at warwick dot ac dot uk