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Careers in Digital Communications

This is a new event to the Warwick Spring term programme and is very much driven by student interest and feedback.

Careers in Digital Communications event will encourage students to consider career areas which have developed significantly over the past ten years. This event is seeking to attract organisations from a range of sectors which offer roles harnessing the use of communications technology (i.e. social media management and search engine optimisation) and require a varying degree of expertise from those requiring a high level of technical knowledge right through to a familiarity of working with social media platforms.

As an organisation attending you may wish to promote opportunities available, be they graduate roles, internships and work experience or to highlight the skills and development required to succeed in this practice area.

We also welcome back alumni of the University working within this niche area who wish to share their knowledge and insight to help our current students as they begin their own career journey.

There is no charge for organisations to attend and alumni expenses will be covered where required.

Book early to ensure you secure a place as availability is limited.
Tuesday 20th February 2018. This is an early evening event taking place from 6-8pm

To book your place please email employerconnect at warwick dot ac dot uk