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Moodle course & projects ideas

These pages present work done as part of a HEA funded project in Spring 2015. For information on the development of Warwick's Student Champion schemes, including learning & teaching champions and digichamps, see the Warwick International Higher Education Academy (WIHEA) web site.

The Competency Framework describes four categories of enhancement project - described in the glossary on the right. To begin with we want Student Champions to expand the repertoire of remix-style projects across the whole University. The proposed scheme will work like this:

Students become Student Champions by completing an induction course in Moodle (How to Be a Student Champion). They learn the basics of the LTSE enhancement process, as well as foundational technical and organisational knowledge. As part of the course, they:

  1. select a project from a set of pre-defined remix projects (project templates) - this will be complemented with a list of staff members who are looking for students to undertake a project - we could call these projects Extended Classroom Remixes;
  2. find collaborators (staff and other students) - in some cases, staff will have advertised for a project, so this is easier, however we don't want students to be over-reliant on staff, we want them to be proactive;
  3. create a project plan (in Mahara);
  4. have their project plan approved by an SC Scheme mentor (for example an academic technologist);
  5. and implement the project to the required specifications and standards;
  6. they are rewarded for the completed project (financially as well as an Open Badge for their portfolio).

We will rank the project templates in terms of difficulty, so that students might take on a range of easier projects or fewer more difficult projects. Some projects can be feasibly completed in less than a day. Some will take longer. To qualify as a Student Champion a student will need to acquire a required number of project completion points.

Ideas for projects will be sourced in consultation with staff and students. However, we need to ensure that they are feasible and sustainable within the context of University services.

Some ideas...

Get real people to describe a module or programme - podcasting (this has already been requested by staff)

Save us from death by Powerpoint - Responseware

Create a pre-session online workshop to help student to be better prepared - Moodle

Explain a topic or concept in MyPortfolio and share it with current and future students - MyPortfolio

Index the contents of a recorded lecture - Lecture Capture


Tweaks - small changes to improve existing practice.

Remixes - changing the methods, the learning design patterns, used for some parts of existing activities, for example replacing a lecture with a pre-recorded lecture and a classroom activity (flipping the classroom).

Sprints - more complex projects that involve deeper changes to the design and delivery of a module, for example moving it into a Moodle Module Space.

Marathons - longer, more substantial and often less certain projects that aim to change practice and culture on a wider scale, for example changing the teaching practice of a whole department.