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Technology Enhanced Learning Strategy 2015-18

This page details past work and remains available as an archive. For information on the current status of this work, please contact academictech at warwick dot ac dot uk.

Technology Enhanced Learning Strategy

In order to coordinate and inform the University's approach to technology enhanced learning, there is a Technology Enhanced Learning Steering Group: a subgroup of the Academic Quality and Standards Committee (AQSC)Link opens in a new window. This Group is responsible for the University's TEL Strategy 2015-2018.

This Strategy lays out the priority areas to harness the power of technology enhanced learning to deliver the University’s strategic objectives over Jan 2015 – Dec 2018.

  • Support and develop staff skills in TEL both formally and informally
  • Develop new technology-enhanced models of teaching and learning
  • Provide a scaleable and sustainable TEL toolset

We have made great progress over the last few years but there is always much more that could be done: these priorities are focussed on tangible activities that are challenging but achievable. If we achieve progress against most of these strategic priorities by September 2018 then we will have made a step change in the University’s capability to use technology effectively in teaching and learning and we will be fit for the future. The implementation of this strategy will be through academic departments, services and special projects. This strategy is aligned with the University Strategy Goal One and progress will be regularly monitored via the TEL Steering Group (a subgroup of AQSC).

Latest Update: October 2015 TEL Steering Annual Report to AQSC including Progress Updates on TEL Strategy DOWNLOADLink opens in a new window


Success Headlines 2014-15
  • I. In order to reduce confusion and increase uptake of TEL approaches we have introduced the concept of the Extended Classroom to describe the range of centrally supported tools
  • II. The Lecture Capture service continues to grow in response to student demand and underpinned by capital investment in our teaching spaces
  • I. A growing number of departments now use Moodle to support learning and are refining their use of the platform to provide richer information and activities online
  • II. Staff development around TEL is growing and the Postgraduate Award in TEL has been run in a blended and online mode for the first time
  • III. Alliance Education Strategy has invested in a range of TEL activities to support the University’s aims around global students and international education
  • IV. Departments are increasingly investing in expertise in TEL, through student experience posts that incorporate a technology brief and through the appointments of academic technologists
Areas for Development 2015-16:
  • I. The Challenges of Administrative Variation within Academic Departments
  • II. The Opportunities of Different Course Delivery Models
  • III. The Opportunities to Address Digital Capabilities of Staff and Students

In academic year 13/14 the TEL Steering Group was asked to formulate a TEL strategy. Firstly, a draft "strawman" strategy was drawn up to encourage discussion: the strawmanLink opens in a new window document was widely available (googledocs, login not required) and it was commentable. This was discussed by the TEL Steering Group on 12th May 2014 and revisited on 30th June 2014 in light of feedback received. On 1st July 2014 there was a discussion on the at the TEL ForumLink opens in a new window about the TEL strategy. Groups explored emerging themes and prioritised potential work over the next year. A video of the introduction, notes from the group work and their distilled priorities are all available onlineLink opens in a new window. In parallel, an draft implementation strategyLink opens in a new window (googledocs, login not required) was created with a focus on deliverable activities, it was commentable but is now closed. Draft Version 4Link opens in a new window of the strategy was released for feedback on 12th September 2014 (googledocs, login not required) and discussed at the TEL Steering Group on Thursday 18th September. The Draft Version 5Link opens in a new window was circulated via Board of Undergraduate Studies and Board of Graduate Studies and department members of IPSC for consultation. The draft strategy was endorsed at AQSC on 30th October 2014. During 2014/15 the strategy guided the priorities of the Steering Group members. An progress update was provided to AQSC on 29th October 2015, within a TEL Steering Group Annual Report.


Questions about the strategy should be directed via the Feedback FormLink opens in a new window or via email to amber dot thomas at warwick dot ac dot uk, Chair of TEL Steering Group and head of the Academic Technology Team.