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Creating Accessible Material

In the UK, one in five people has a disability. While not all disabilities affect access to the web, many do. As we age, many of us find it harder to read small print or we see colour in a different way. Making content better for those with disabilities helps everyone.

It is a University strategic priority that all staff and students must have access to equal opportunities to thrive and progress at Warwick, irrespective of background, disability, faith, gender, race and sexual orientation. Warwick is committed to developing accessible and inclusive approaches to ensure that everyone can participate in our community.

The Public Sector Bodies (Websites and Mobile Applications) (No. 2) Accessibility Regulations 2018 came into force for public sector bodies, which includes Warwick, on 23rd September 2018. We are required to make our website and mobile apps more accessible so they follow the principles of being ‘perceivable, operable, understandable and robust’; the organisation is also required to publish an accessibility statement articulating how it meets the Regulation and where it is unable to do so. Our Accessibility statement is published at .

Anyone who creates digital content for staff, students and visitors should be aware of accessibility considerations. We will continue to develop the support available to authors and link to it from this page. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact webaccessibility at warwick dot ac dot uk for advice.

General Guidance

Online content should be easy to find, access and read. General hints and tips on making the content you are creating accessible to all. See General Guidance.

Microsoft Office

Microsoft Office guidance on creating and checking Word, PowerPoint, Outlook, OneNote and Office documents for accessibility. You could also use an accessible template or try a Accessibility Learning Webinar.

Web Pages

Detailed guidance on digital accessibility and the rationale for that has been produced by Marketing. Quick checklists to help you create accessible web pages using Sitebuilder is also part of the IDG guides to creating a good website.


Help with making accessible Moodle spaces.

Portable Document Format (PDF)

Check and create accessible PDFs with PowerPDF to improve accessibility.

Email accessibility

Help with making accessible emails.

Video and Audio

Help with creating accessible video and audio content.

Live Online Events

Help with delivering accessible live online events.

You may also wish to see guidance on using Assistive Software. We have a wide range of assistive software and productivity tools to support students and staff.