Free Speech Event Series
At Warwick we thrive on difference. One of the key objectives of our Social Inclusion Strategy is to increase diversity, because diversity of thought leads to innovation and creativity. Having meaningful interactions with people who are different and unfamiliar to oneself, representing different experiences and approaches, brings fresh challenge to ways of thinking and doing things.
We believe that through dialogue, understanding, and the exploration of ideas, we can develop an inclusive culture that truly recognises, respects, and fosters diversity, where everyone is supported to achieve their potential. Respectful curiosity is a must!
Freedom of speech is a key part of developing this culture, and of the higher education experience. Universities stand for unwavering values and behaviours: for excellence, for the positive impact of our work on society, for rejecting intolerance, and for both academic freedom and freedom of speech.
We are holding a series of events to explore freedom of speech and challenging topics; we hope you will join us for engaging discussion in this important area. Keep an eye out in staff and student communications for upcoming events, and see details of all of the events in the series below.
Read the full blog: Reith, Roots, and Representational Art.
Updates on freedom of speech coming soon...
Freedom of Speech and Equality in Higher Education
Thursday 1 June 2023, 10.30am-12pm.
At this event, barrister, lecturer, and author Sam Fowles spoke about the Higher Education (Freedom of Speech) Act and what this means for HE, how the Act interacts with other legal duties, such as the Equality Act and the European Convention on Human Rights, myth busting, and practical advice, drawing on case studies.
Two Truths in One Land: The Road to Reconciliation
Tuesday 22 November 2022, 12.30-2.00pm.
This event was an opportunity to hear from Roots' Israeli co-founder, Rabbi Hanan Schlesinger and Roots' activist Palestinian Noor A’wad. Hanan and Noor shared their experiences and how they started to build trust between communities, change attitudes, and create a shared purpose between two often deeply divided groups.
A recording of the event is available.