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International Student Roundtable

The International Student Roundtable event takes place twice a year, one in the autumn and one in the spring. The roundtable event in Spring 2024 takes place on 23 April 2024 and presents an opportunity to develop a more nuanced understanding of PGT students' lived experience, needs and wants.

Asset production

Interview with graduating students to gather information and insight, and produce useful assets to engage current students in the form of peer-based support and current market trends (rapid feedback).

Term 3 Student Experience Survey

Review and add refresh questions sets in relation to international students in the Term 3 Student Experience Survey to capture wider sentiments from current international PGT students.

Mapping of student transition-out journey

Mapping of student transition-out journey with various stakeholders to identify gap in communication between thesis submission and graduation ceremony (5 months between late August to mid-January) and opportunities it presents.

Leverage research for actionable insights

Congregate information gathered from various resources, e.g., Welcome Survey, Student Experience Surveys, International Student Roundtable, recent research data and recommendations and sector-wide good practice, to identify good practice and gaps in services.