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Seven Inspiring Tips for CLL students - No.4

Recently, the Centre for Lifelong Learning Team caught up with Taiwo Ogunrinde, former student of the Gateway to HE course who then progressed to a degree and is currently studying her second year of the full-time Social Studies Degree. She shares with us her seven tips for mature students and her inspiring journey to education.

Seven Inspiring Tips for CLL students - No.3

Recently, the Centre for Lifelong Learning Team caught up with Taiwo Ogunrinde, former student of the Gateway to HE course who then progressed to a degree and is currently studying her second year of the full-time Social Studies Degree. She shares with us her seven tips for mature students and her inspiring journey to education.

Digital Skills Mentors support fellow students and the local community with their use of technology

Sat 27 October is National Mentoring Day, which focuses on recognising excellence and raising awareness of the significant benefits of mentoring in order to “make mentoring accessible to everyone, and to shine a spotlight on excellence in mentoring."

Seven Inspiring Tips for CLL students - No.1

Recently, the Centre for Lifelong Learning Team caught up with Taiwo Ogunrinde, former student of the Gateway to HE course who then progressed to a degree and is currently studying her second year of the full-time Social Studies Degree. She shared with us her seven tips for mature students and her inspiring journey to education

Dr Sarah Cousins explores students’ anxiety of mathematical learning

Dr Sarah Cousins, Director of Academic Studies and Early Years Programmes at the Centre for Lifelong Learning featured in an piece in the inTUITION, the journal for professional teachers and trainers in the further education and training sector. Their Autumn Edition (Issue 33) published Sarah’s piece ‘The Big Idea’ where she shared research insights into overcoming students’ anxiety over maths learning.

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