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Seven Inspiring Tips for CLL students - No.1

Recently, the Centre for Lifelong Learning Team caught up with Taiwo Ogunrinde, former student of the Gateway to HE course who then progressed to a degree and is currently studying her second year of the full-time Social Studies Degree. She shared with us her seven tips for mature students and her inspiring journey to education

CLL kicks off the Summer with FREE Seminars for prospective students and locals

Summer has officially started with a three-week heatwave warming up the UK and getting everyone into the holiday spirit.

Centre for Lifelong Learning attend The Universities Association for Lifelong Learning at Cambridge University

The Universities Association for Lifelong Learning held their annual conference last month on the grounds of Cambridge University at Downing College. Senior Teaching Fellow and Tutor, Dr Anil Awesti, Early Years Programme Director, Dr. Sarah Cousins and Director of 2+2 and Part-time Degrees, Dr. Simon Glaze attended the event from the Centre for Lifelong Learning.

CLL staff nominated for 2016 University of Warwick Staff Awards

Several CLL staff members have been nominated for University of Warwick Staff Awards.

Centre Director, Fergus McKay said: "I would like to congratulate our colleagues in CLL for their nominations for the 2016 University of Warwick Staff Awards. It is a remarkable achievement and it is a reflection of their professionalism, dedication and commitment to their learners."

Tue 16 Feb 2016, 14:30 | Tags: CLL Gateway Initial Teacher Training Social Work Award

New Certificate and Short Course brochure now available online

Our new Certificate and Short Course brochure is now available to view online

Mon 14 Sept 2015, 13:40 | Tags: CLL Certificates Counselling Gateway

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