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Refereed full papers:

  • E. Guyez, P.J. Thomas,“Effects of particle properties on segregation-band drift in particle-laden rimming flow”, Physics of Fluid, 21- 2 (2009)
  • E. Guyez, P.J. Thomas, “Spatiotemporal Segregation-Pattern Drift in Particle-Laden Rimming Flow”, Physical Review Letters, 100 (2008), 074501 (Word document)
  • E. Guyez, J.-B. Flòr, E. Hopfinger, “Turbulent mixing at a stable density interface: the variation of the buoyancy flux –gradient relation”, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 577 (2007), 127-136(Word document)

Refereed full papers (submitted):

  • J.-B. Flòr, E.J. Hopfinger, E. Guyez,“Surface mixed layer deepening by stationnary vortices: a model of mixing by Langmuir circulation”, Deep sea research, [Abstract (PDF Document)].

Refereed full papers (in preparation):

  • E. Guyez, P.J. Thomas, “Band drift in rimming flow : fluid and cylinder properties impact”, Physics of Fluid, [Abstract (PDF Document)].
  • E. Guyez, P.J. Thomas, X. Fan, D.Paker, “Dynamics of Particle-Laden Rimming Flow analysed by positron emission particle tracking ”, Physical Review Letters.

Refereed conference papers:

  • E. Guyez, J.-B. Flòr, E.J. Hopfinger, “ Mixing by coherent vortices in a two-layer stratified fluid”, Stratified and Rotating Flow Colloquium - Congrès Français de Mécanique (C.F.M.), Proceeding (Word document) + Oral (Grenoble, France, August 2007)
  • S. Das, E.J. Hopfinger, E. Guyez, “Parametrically forced, breaking gravity waves in a circular cylinder ”, Congrès Français de Mécanique (C.F.M.), Proceeding (Word document) + Oral (Grenoble, France, August 2007)
  • E. Guyez, J.-B. Flòr, E.J. Hopfinger, “Mixing across a density interface in a Taylor-Couette Flow”, Sixth International Symposium on Stratified Flows, Proceeding (Word document) + Oral (Perth, Australia, December 2006)
  • E. Guyez, J.-B. Flòr, “Mélange d’un fluide bicouche en écoulement Taylor-Couette”, Congrès Français de Mécanique (C.F.M.), Proceeding (PDF Document)+ Poster (Troyes, France, August 2005).

conference papers:

  • E. Guyez, J.-B. Flòr, E.J. Hopfinger, “Diapycnal mixing in Taylor-Couette”, IUTAM symposium : Hamiltonian dynamics vortex structures Turbulence, Proceeding (PDF Document) + Oral (Moscou, Russie, August 2006)


  • PhD Thesis (PDF Document): Mélange d'interfaces de densité en écoulement de Taylor - Couette (Grenoble, May 2006)
  • Master 2 Thesis (PDF Document): Etude et simulation d’une chaîne énergétique impliquant photovoltaïque et pile à combustible pour l’équipement d’un site isolé (Grenoble, September 2002)
  • Master 1 Thesis (PDF Document): Etude et comparaison de l’efficacité de différentes installations de cogénération utilisées sur le réseau de chauffage urbain (Chambéry, September 2001)