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P Dorfman (Editor) (2008): Nuclear Consultation: Public Trust in Government, The Nuclear Consultation Working Group, pp. 1-88, Available at Dorfman, J W.S. Longhurst, N.S. Leksmono, F. Burnet, E. Weitkamp, D. C. Gibbs & C. I. Beattie (2007) Steps to Better Practice. Guidance for Local Authorities on Local Air Quality Management Consultation. University of the West of England, Bristol and University of Hull. pp 1-38, Available at Dorfman, P., Beattie, C.I., Burnet, F., Gibbs, D. C., Longhurst, J.W. S., Weitkamp, E. & Leksmono, N.S (2006): A conceptual model of the role of complex science in local authority consultations about air quality management. Local Environment 11 (4) 399 - 419.P. Dorfman, C.I. Beattie, F. Burnet, D. Gibbs, J.W.S. Longhurst (2005) Consultation and communication for local air quality management in the UK: an analysis of local authority interaction with its stakeholders. In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Urban Air Quality, Valencia 29 – 31 March 2005. Dorfman, P., Beattie, C., Burnet, F., Gibbs, D., Leksmono, N., Longhurst, J., & Weitkamp, E. (2005) Consultation for local air quality management in the UK: opportunities for and barriers to successful science communication. In Brebbia, C. A. (Editor) Air Pollution XIII, WIT Press, Southampton and Boston, pp139 -148. P. Dorfman, N.S. Leksmono, F. Burnet, D. Gibbs, J.W.S. Longhurst & E. Weitkamp (2006) A preliminary review of local air quality management consultation practices in England. In Longhurst, J.W.S. & Brebbia, C.A. (Editors) Air Pollution XIV. WIT Press. Southampton and Boston. pp145-154.Leksmono, N.S., Dorfman, P., Hayes, E.T., Longhurst, J.W.S., Weitkamp, E.L.C. (2007). Recommendations for better practice to address issues and challenges in consulting stakeholders and the public on local air quality management. Proceedings of the 14th International Union of Air Pollution Prevention and Environmental Protection Associations (IUAPPA) World Congress 2007. Brisbane, Australia. 9-13 September 2007. Leksmono, N.S., F. Burnet, P. Dorfman, D.C. Gibbs, J.W.S. Longhurst, E.L.C. Weitkamp (2007) Local air quality management in England: issues and challenges in consulting stakeholders. In R.S. Sokhi and M. Neophytou (Eds)  Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Urban Air Quality, University of Hertfordshire, Hatfield. Leksmono, N.S., F. Burnet, P. Dorfman, D.C. Gibbs, J.W.S. Longhurst, E.L.C. Weitkamp (2007) Barriers and opportunities to successful local air quality management consultation in England. In Borrego, C.A. & Brebbia, C.A. (Editors) Air Pollution XV. WIT Press. Southampton and Boston. Koppe JG, Bartonova A, Bolte G, Bistrup ML, Busby C, Butter M, Dorfman P, Fucic A, Gee D, Van Den Hazel P, Howard V, Kohlhuber M, Leijs M, Lundqvist C, Moahammer H, Naginiene R, Nicopopoulo-Stamati P, Ronchetti R, Salines G, Schoeters G, Ten Tushcher G, Wallis MK, Zuurbier M (2006): Exposure to Multiple Environmental Agents and their Effects, Acta Paediatrica, Vol. 95 (s453), pp. 106–113. Bramhall R, Busby C, Cox R, Darby S, Day P, Dorfman P, Fairlie I, Harrison J, Muirhead C, Roche P, Simmonds J, Wakeford R, Wright E (2004): Report of the Committee Examining Radiation Risks of Internal Emitters (CERRIE), DH, DEFRA, HMSO, London.