Performance and Pedagogy Project 2016-2017
Launched in 2014 with the aim of supporting Widening Participation in local Coventry schools, the Performance and Pedagogy Project places two MA students at a host secondary school where they devise and deliver a performance-based module that examines one of several core early modern drama texts, including works by William Shakespeare and Christopher Marlowe. Starting in early October and covering a period of two full academic terms, the Performance and Pedagogy Project is an opportunity for students enrolled on any MA in the English Department at Warwick to enhance prospects and gain experience in teaching, devising theatre, classroom management, Widening Participation, and course design. This project is suitable to MA students with a proven interest in practical theatre and education who show an ongoing intellectual commitment in these areas. To support their involvement in this project, each successful MA student will receive a £7,400 bursary payable at the start of the academic year after enrolment has been completed.
Project structure
The project begins in earnest at the start of the autumn term. After induction, tutors will initially observe lessons in their host school and meet the class they will be teaching, quickly graduating to a supporting role in which they will take responsibility for portions of the lesson before leading entire lessons. During the first term tutors will work closely with their school contact teacher and host class, following the school’s English curriculum as they develop and begin to introduce a performance-based module of their own devising. After Christmas, when tutors return for the second term, tutors will then lead their class through their new module over a period of six weeks, examining a critical aspect of the play through performance. Throughout the course MA student tutors receive support and training from both Warwick and school teaching staff, although tutors will find themselves in the position of leading classes in a very short space of time, and should therefore be prepared to take an active role from the start. At the end of the project tutors will lead their respective classes in a sharing event, where pupils showcase aspects of what they have learned during the project.
Time commitment and criteria for success
The Performance and Pedagogy Project represents a serious professional commitment, with MA student tutors responsible for developing and delivering an ambitious performance-based scheme of work targeted at pupils in school years 7 and 8. Student tutors can expect to be in school for at least half a day per week across two full academic terms, with at least as much planning and preparation time required outside of school hours. Additional training and development sessions take place at key points in the course, and in the past tutors have also opted to meet separately as a group for purposes of group planning.
We are therefore looking to recruit tutors who are genuinely enthused about the idea of introducing younger learners to the insights and experiences offered by a performance-based approach to the study of drama. Prospective tutors should feel confident about leading a class, possessing effective time management skills and experience in theatre and performance. Ideally, applicants should have some prior teaching or leadership experience. Past examples have included martial arts instructor, school mentor, youth theatre volunteer and director. Other teaching and mentoring experiences, such as supporting a younger sibling or volunteering in the community should also be clearly identified. Successful applicants will then be invited to an interview day at the University of Warwick, where they will be invited to participate in group planning and devising activities followed by individual interviews. Successful applicants will receive notification via Email.
Applicants should Email a curriculum vitae, with two references and covering letter to Gayle Bennett The covering letter should address the following questions:
1) Why are you a suitable candidate for the Performance and Pedagogy Project?
2) What attracted you to the Performance and Pedagogy Project?
3) What will you bring to the role of student tutor?
4) What do you expect to gain from the experience?
5) What relevant experience do you have for such a role? (You may wish to mention your own teaching/learning experiences which engage with performance and/or pedagogy e.g. undergraduate modules, extracurricular activities and courses taken).
The closing date for an application is 26th April 2017 with interviews likely to take place in June.
Should you have any questions please contact Gayle Bennett: