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Front Page Form - CRS

This Quick Start Form will automatically create the front page of your ePortfolio.

This form is just to make the first step of developing your ePortfolio quick - afterwards, you can easily make changes, add more information, change headings etc. Compulsory questions are marked (*)

1) Name of your home department: (e.g. Philosophy)

1b) Second department: (if applicable)

2) Write a few sentences to introduce yourself: (for example: where you are from, previous posts/studies, interesting facts, significant achievements)

Bold Italic Block quote Header Bulleted list Numbered list Insert Link

3) Your research topic: (e.g. The three-second rule in contemporary literature)

4) Write a few sentences about your research: (for example: what is it about, what you hope to achieve, who do you work with)

Bold Italic Block quote Header Bulleted list Numbered list Insert Link

5) Your research group: (if applicable, e.g. Space and Astrophysics)

6) Your funding source: (e.g. EPSRC, AHRC, etc.)

Note: If you fill in this form more than once, any previous editing on your front page will be replaced.