Content Blocks
P-D4A2 full-time;
P-D4A2P part-time
1 year full-time;
2 years part-time
3 October 2022
University of Warwick
Sustainable Crop Production: Agronomy for the 21st Century MSc provides the knowledge and practical skills in crop management and improvement. You will learn about the latest advances in plant pathology, pest management and soil health.
Crop agriculture provides mankind’s increasing population with foods, fibres and fuel and this course provides you with knowledge and practical skills in crop management and crop improvement.
In this master's course you will gain a combination of practical expertise and academic understanding to develop key skills. You will learn the principles of crop production, including the latest advances in plant pathology, integrated pest management and soil health.
Skills from this degree
You will gain:
- An understanding of how crops are grown and the factors affecting crop production
- The knowledge to identify and understand the causes of crop disorders and make decisions on appropriate management/control measures
- The skills to critically evaluate how constraints on crop production can change due to biotic and societal pressures
- Transferable skills including team working, communicating with peers and sector specialists, organising, planning and oral presentation
- Research skills including scientific report writing, conducting surveys, problem solving, data analysis and project work
You will be taught by a multidisciplinary teaching faculty including staff from Life Sciences and Warwick Business School, joined by lecturers with internationally acknowledged academic, industrial and government expertise.
Teaching is typically via facilitated session, including interactive lectures, short question and answer sessions, field trips and interactive workshops/tutorials. Individual and team learning will be used for case study analysis.
Class sizes for this course vary between 5 to 90 students.
Depending on the module contact hours vary between 15-25 per week.
Assessment is continuous and varies between modules. It typically includes essays, seminar presentations, practical reports, oral evaluation and assessed group work. You will undertake an individual project during the third term and there is an option for you to undertake a work-based placement as part of your project. Your project will be assessed by a seminar presentation and a 15,000 word thesis or 6,000 word journal article.
Reading lists
Most departments have reading lists available through Warwick Library. If you would like to view reading lists for the current cohort of students you can visit our Warwick Library web page.
Your timetable
Your personalised timetable will be complete when you are registered for all modules, compulsory and optional, and you have been allocated to your lectures, seminars and other small group classes. Your compulsory modules will be registered for you and you will be able to choose your optional modules when you join us.
2:ii undergraduate degree (or equivalent) in a related subject.
- Band A
- IELTS overall score of 6.5, minimum component scores not below 6.0.
There are no additional entry requirements for this course.
- Crop Physiology and Production
- Advances in Crop Protection
- Soil, Sustainability and the Environment
- Project/Work Placement/Dissertation
- Climate Change
- Organic and Low Input Systems
- Cereal, Oilseed and Root Crop Agronomy
- Introduction to BASIS
- Plant Breeding and Trial Design for Registration
Read more about our core modules on our Life Sciences website.
- Biodiversity, Conservation and Ecosystem Services
- Biological Invasions in Changing Environments
- Microbiomics and Metagenomics
- Challenges in Global Food Security
- Marketing Management
- Business Strategy
Our optional module lists are subject to change each year to keep the student learning experience current and up-to-date. You can find the most up to date list on the Life Sciences website.
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