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News Archive

This page is part of the Global Shakespeare archive. Find out more...

  • For more information on global Shakespeare studies at Queen Mary University of London, please contact Professor David Schalkwyk, Chair in Shakespeare Studies at QMUL.
  • For more information on global Shakespeare studies at the University of Warwick, please head to the Global Shakespeare Research Group.

    Artefact Magazine article on the Global Shakespeare MA

    Three of our current Masters students tell Artefact Magazine about what attracted them to the course-and how they are finding it. Please see here for the article:

    Thu 27 Nov 2014, 14:33

    Follow our Launch tonight on Twitter: @GlobalShaxpeare

    Global Shakespeare launches this evening from 6.00 to 8.00pm at The Barbican with a play reading from The Robben Island Bible and a drinks reception. Do follow events and join the discussion @GlobalShaxpeare.

    Thu 13 Nov 2014, 11:04

    Shakespeare in Venice Summer School

    An intensive four week course is being held exploring texts and contexts of Shakespeare's Merchant of Venice named The Shylock Project. A rich program of lectures and workshops will be held in the San Giorgio monastery complemented by theatre performances and excursions to the Jewish Ghetto and other Venetian sites.

    Wed 12 Nov 2014, 10:33

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