Project Managers
There are now six major projects up and running under the umbrella of the Science City Research Alliance (SCRA) falling in to one of the three themes, Energy Futures, Translational Medicine and Advanced Materials. The first of these projects set up two years ago focusses on hydrogen and the most recent addition looks at reducing the demand for energy. The start up phase for all projects - involving some £57m investment and the purchasing and commissioning of equipment and construction or refurbishment of new facilities - is almost complete. During this initial phase the project managers have been responsible for keeping projects on schedule and within budget.
Warwick-based Sarah Keay-Bright, Filipa Vance and Emma Melia and Birmingham-based Rob Hudson, Claire Potter and Mark Humphries, the SCRA project managers, are responsible for the day to day management of the projects. With the start up phase now complete, the project managers will primarily be involved with research development. They will be looking for opportunities to make the best use of the new facilities, particularly through collaborations and demonstrators with partners from industry and academia on all scales - regional , national and international. The project management team is also responsible for monitoring and reporting progress and supporting the activities of the SCRA communications and business engagement teams.
If you are interested in working with the Birmingham Science City Research Alliance within these fields or have any project-related queries, please contact any of the Project Managers on the contact details below. Representatives from business and industry should contact the relevant business engagement manager(s) in the first instance.
Andrew Todd Energy Futures Project “Energy Efficiency and Demand Reduction” & 'Advanced Materials 2 “Innovative uses for Advanced Materials in the Modern World”
E: T: +44 (0) 24 765 75483
Filipa Vance - Translational Medicine 1 “Clinical Research Infrastructure and Trials Platform”
E: T: +44 (0) 24 765 74873 M: +44 (0) 7824 541168
Claire Potter - Translational Medicine 2 “Experimental Medicine Network of Excellence”
Mark Humphries - Advanced Materials 1 “Creating and Characterising Next Generation Materials” & 'Energy Futures Project “Hydrogen Project”