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Applying for Time on XMaS Beamline

Proposal deadline: 1st April 2022

Applications for Beamtime

Access to the national research facility (CRG) time is only for UK based researchers. Collaborations with EU and international colleagues are encouraged, but the proposal must be led by a UK based principal investigator (PI) and it must be made clear how the collaborative research supports the UK science base. Applications without a robust link to the UK will be rejected and should instead be submitted directly via the ESRF route.

Two proposal review rounds are held each year. Deadlines for applications to make use of the national research facility time are normally 1st April and 1st October for the scheduling periods August to February, and March to July, respectively. Applications for both ESRF and XMaS CRG beamtime are to be submitted electronically (the paper versions are not acceptable) by following the link here.

Applications to access the Spectroscopy BAG should apply here.

If your experiment is a continuation, your proposal must be accompanied by an experimental report of any respective preceding beam time. Reports must also be submitted before the proposal deadline if the beam time was more than a month earlier.

Any reports submitted after the deadline may not be considered in that round. Typically, reports are expected to be no longer than two A4 pages.

Preparing your Applications

When preparing your applications please feel free to contact members of the beamline team who can advise on the feasibility of the experiment and the wider capabilities of the facility. For some guidance on preparing your proposal click here.

For general help, or to find out more, please contact Laurence Bouchenoire.

Alternatively, please contact the team member with the relevant expertise:

Didier Wermeille: Crystallography, high resolution diffraction and surface studies. Electric field measurements.

Oier Bikondoa: Soft matter materials, SAXS, GISAXS, GIWAXS, surface and reflectivity studies.

Laurence Bouchenoire: Magnetic scattering including polarisation dependence.

Paul Thompson: Sample environments including electric field, liquid cells and catalysis experiments. New sample environments.

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion:

The XMaS facility will implement transparent policies and procedures to guarantee that access is based on scientific excellence only. In partnership with the ESRF Safety office, we will endeavour to ensure that the facility can accommodate any user, but this may require an individual needs assessment. If you have any questions about accessing the facility at any stage of the application or experimental processes please do not hesitate to get in touch.