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XMaS Offline Facilities

In addition to the main synchrotron beamline the XMaS facility also provides access to offline resources. Primarily functioning to support the research activities during beamtime, users can also apply to access these facilities for independent studies.

X-ray Source


A micro souce with a Cu target and 4-circle Huber diffractometer are available for users. The system is fully controlled with SPEC and is compatible with most of the sample environments developed for the beamline. The system is currently optimised for diffraction and reflectometry studies using an APD detector.

Offline Laboratory


An offline laboratory can be used to perfom electrical characterisation as a function of temperature (2 - 800 K) and applied magnetic fields (up to 4 T)

Funds exist to support the travel and subsistence of a limited number of users. Please note that on-site staff support may be limited as our priority is to support activities on the beamline.