University of Warwick (UOW)

Mohammad Rezania (Coordinator and Project Manager) leads the RFCS project MINRESCUE. He is an Associate Professor of Geotechnical Engineering and Director of Geotechnical Engineering Laboratory at the School of Engineering of the University of Warwick. His main focus is applied research on addressing the most challenging practical issues that industry faces when dealing with different geo-materials. He has worked and published extensively on the behavior of geo-materials, from plastic clays to porous materials and rocks, to materials that do not have the typical characteristics of soils, such as mining geo-materials and geo-waste. Research methodologies use advanced laboratory testing, large-scale physical testing, and constitutive and numerical modelling. Mohammad is also the Vice-Chair of the International Society of Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering (ISSMGE) TC-309 technical committee on “Machine Learning in Geotechnics”. He was the recipient of several research awards, including a prestigious National Science Foundation of China International Young Scientist Award.

Mohad Mousavi Nezhad is an Associate Professor in Computational Mechanics and Data Science in Warwick Center for Predictive Modelling at the University of Warwick and leads PMPM research group. Her research is on understanding and the physics of heterogeneous materials. Mohad develops efficient and robust numerical algorithms through integration of Computational Statistics and Data Science to reliably capture hydro-chemo-mechanical behavior of a wide variety of heterogeneous materials that exhibit significant randomness. She has been involved in several Research projects under the concept of circular economy. In MINRESCUE, her research aims to develop knowledge for developing purification strategy for mining waste materials within the WP2 tasks.

Liem Thanh Vo is a postdoctoral research fellow working on the MINRESCUE project. He obtained a PhD in geotechnical engineering from UNSW Sydney in 2014. His research focuses on the physical and analytical modelling of problems involving unsaturated soil and mine tailing materials. He has investigated the interaction between unsaturated geomaterials and contacting structures (retaining wall, shallow foundations, ore pass), and how properties of the unsaturated geomaterials impact the flow of ore in transporting tunnels, and govern the geometry of slopes and sinkholes at failure. More recently, he has participated in TAILLIQ, a three year-long project funded by the Australian Research Council (ARC) and six international mining companies to investigate the liquefaction potential of tailings. He was responsible for conducting CPT calibration chamber test of tailings, partially drained and partially saturated. Liem is also a practicing geotechnical engineer with nearly five years experiences in supervising geotechnical site investigations, installing geotechnical instruments and earthwork monitoring. In MINRESCUE, Liem is mainly responsible for carrying out the advanced laboratory experiments within WPs 1&2.
Główny Instytut Górnictwa (Central Mining Institute) (GIG)

Joanna Calus Moszko is Professor Assistant and Head of Laboratory of Mineral and Waste Processing. An expert in processing of solid minerals, management of mineral resources, recovery of critical raw materials from waste, impact of waste from the extractive industries on the environment; hard coal deshaling and technologies for utilization of waste from the extractive industries. An author and co-author of above 100 works of scientific research and expertise, director and team member of 12 internationals grants in the field of coal mining and processing and the management of waste materials, the manager of the project: Co-processing of coal mine and electronic: Novel resources for a sustainable future/CEReS.

Agnieszka KLUPA is Professor assistant in Laboratory of Mineral and Waste Processing. The experienced researcher carrying out important work in the field of mechanical processing of mineral resources and waste management. I Is engaged in research and service activities related to the broadly understood mineral engineering. It covers issues related to the identification of chemical and mineral composition as well as research on technological characteristics of minerals and waste and conducts research on a scanning electron microscope. She also specializes in research on the particle size, shape and number analyzer with a Raman attachment for the identification of chemical composition.

Małgorzata Wysocka

Jerzy Korol

Aleksander Wrana

Liberato Ferrara is associate professor of Structural Analysis and Design at Politecnioco di Milano, Italy and holds the Italian National qualification to full professor. He has been Fulbright visiting scholar at the Center for Advanced Cement Based Materials, Northwestern University, IL, USA and visiting professor at Beijing Jiaotong University and Chongqing University, PRC. He has coordinated bilateral scientific cooperation projects between Italy and South Korea, India, Israel and Germany. He is involved in technology transfer with industrial partners and has served as consultant for public administrations and private engineering and construction companies. He is coordinator of the H2020 project ReSHEALience (GA 760824): Rethinking coastal defence and green energy service infrastructures through enhanced durability high-performance fiber reinforced cement based materials, deputy coordinator of the MSCA ITN SMARTINCS (GA 86006): Self-healing multifunctional advanced repair technologies in cementitious systems and is involved in the RFCS project MINRESCUE (GA 899518): From mining waste to valuable resource: new concepts for a circular economy. He is Italian representative in the COST Action 15020 SARCOS- Self healing as preventive repair in concrete structures and chair of the American Concrete Institute (ACI) TC 544-Fiber Reinforced Concrete. Author of more than 60 peer-reviewed journal papers, 3 book chapters and more than 200 conference papers, he has given seminar talks in about 40 universities worldwide, has (co)supervised 6 PhD students and has served in more than 10 PhD defense committees in Italy and abroad. His h-index is equal to 29 (Scopus). He has been recently included in the 2020 Stanford University list off world top 2% researchers in his discipline.

Estefania Cuenca is Assistant Professor of Structural Design (from 2018) at Politecnico di Milano. Her main research interests are self-healing behaviour of cementitious materials, concrete enriched with nano-additions, self-compacting concrete, fibre reinforced concrete, high-performance concretes, ultra-high performance concretes and shear behaviour on structural elements. Her PhD thesis was nominated as an outstanding PhD thesis by Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain and it was published in Springer Theses Series. She is author and co-author of several scientific papers in international peer-review journals. She has awarded with a PoliMi International Fellowship (PIF) from 2015 to 2017 at Politecnico di Milano, Italy. She serves as reviewer for journals published by Elsevier, Springer and MPDI. Her h-index is equal to 11 (Scopus).

Francesco Lo Monte, PhD (male) is Assistant Professor at Politecnico di Milano since 2018, where he got his PhD in Structural, Seismic and Geotechnical Engineering and where is now teaches Structural Design both Civil Engineering and Architecture programs. He is currently active in the field of High/Ultra-High Performance Concrete mechanics, in the field of diagnosis and analysis of structures (in ordinary, fire or seismic conditions), and in the development of new testing setups. After graduating as a Civil Structural Engineer at Politecnico di Milano in 2009, he joined the engineering firm ECSD S.r.l (Milan, Italy) specializing in finite element modelling and structural analysis. He regularly takes part in International Workshops and Conferences, and is member of the RILEM Technical Committee 256-SPF on "Spalling of concrete due to fire: testing and modelling". He is reviewer for several International Peer Reviewed Journals such as Cement and Concrete Composite, Construction and Building Materials, Materials and Structures, KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, etc. He has been involved in different joint research projects with Centre Scientifique et Technique du Bâtiment - CSTB (Paris, France) and in a research project at Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI, Villigen, Switzerland) in cooperation with EMPA (Dübendorf, Switzerland). He has co-supervised several master theses and is author of more than 50 papers. Now he is involved in the H2020 Project ReSHEALience (H2020 GA 760824) – “Rethinking coastal defence and green energy service infrastructures through enhanced durability high-performance fiber reinforced cement based materials”, coordinated by Politecnico di Milano (PI Prof. L. Ferrara). Author of more than 15 papers in peer reviewed journals, his h-index (Scopus) is equal to 10.

Marco Del Galdo is research fellow at Politecnico di Milano, Italy, where he is also involved in support teaching activities for the course of “Structural Engineering 2” of master's degree in Building Engineering. He is involved in H2020 project MINRESCUE, with particular reference to development of concrete with secondary raw materials, studying mix designs and experimental identification of mechanical properties. His research activity is focused also on reinforced concrete precast elements. He has direct experience in laboratory tests, data analysis and interpretation of results, both on materials, structural details and structural elements.

Patrick Bamonte is Associate Professor of Structural Analysis and Design at the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (DICA) of Politecnico di Milano. He was appointed Associate Professor in 2018 after 10 years of Assistant Professor at Politecnico di Milano. He received his PhD in Structural Engineering at Politecnico di Milano defending a thesis on the effects of high temperature on concrete and their structural implications. He has been involved with research on bond mechanics in R/C, bi-dimensional R/C structures, thermal degradation of normal-strength and high-performance concretes, residual behaviour of thermally-damaged undercut fasteners, and structural behaviour of R/C and P/C elements in fire. He is member of the Academic Board of the PhD course in Structural, Seismic and Geotechnical Engineering and was supervisor or co-supervisor of 2 completed PhD theses and co-supervisor of 1 on-going. He is author and co-author of 47 indexed papers. He is an active Member of fib Task Group 2.3 “Fire Design of Concrete Structures” (Convener of WP 2.3.3 “Fire Resistance of Concrete Tunnels”), Member of ACI Committees 237 “Self-Consolidating Concrete” and 216 “Code Requirements for Determining Fire Resistance of Concrete and Masonry Construction Assemblies”. From 2017 to 2020 he was member of the Project Team in charge of the revision of EN 1992-1-2. His h-index is equal to 12 (Scopus).
University of Exeter (UNEXE)

Rich Crane is a Lecturer in Sustainable Mining at the Camborne School of Mines & the Environment and Sustainability Institute, University of Exeter, UK. His research focuses on understanding how we can apply novel methods in extractive metallurgy, materials science, nanotechnology and applied geochemistry for a range of applications including primary ore mining, mine site reclamation, waste treatment and water treatment. He has particular interest in the application of novel electrochemical leaching methods for the recovery of metal and metalloids (namely copper, nickel and arsenic) from complex matrices (namely mine waste and unconventional ores). To date he has published 42 academic journal articles (2210 citations), 2 book chapters, 21 conference papers/presentations (6 invited talks) and has an H-index of 19. Funding to date has been secured from a wide range of sources, including: NERC, GCRF, RFCS, Royal Society, ESA, Aerospace Cornwall, QUEX and NEO Energy.

Will Nash is a postdoctoral research associate at the Camborne School of Mines, University of Exeter, UK. His research interests include extractive metallurgy, metal refining and mining geochemistry. Will’s background is in experimental geochemistry, with a focus on the dissolution of trace metals and the chemical speciation of sulfur in silicate melts. He has experience working as a mine waste consultant for various large-scale operations, mostly in Australia but also internationally. Will’s role within MINRESCUE is to geochemically characterize coal waste from legacy coal mines around Europe, and to explore hydrometallurgical or solvometallurgical techniques for refining metals from them. A major focus of this project is on reducing the environmental impact of these refining techniques, by substituting hazardous single-use leaching agents with replacements that are re-useable and more environmentally benign. Will has authored peer-reviewed articles in academic journals, has delivered presentations at major international geochemical conferences, and has secured research funding from sources such as STFC.
Bureau de recherches géologiques et minières (BRGM)

Muller Stephanie
Nuova Tesi System S.r.I. (NTS)

Marco Nucci - Quality Manager Diploma in Industrial Technical Institute ITIS " STILL " in Treviso. Course with European funding for the training of technicians for Quality Control Course at the ENCO held by prof. Collepardi with subject " Concrete essential " act to the training of technicians for quality control of cementitious materials 2 years experience in a small engineering company with the role of Responsible of the production process and Project manager 10 years experience in a firm of industrial construction sector with the function of Head of quality control and laboratory use. Longer experience in the wooden structures for buildings with the function of technical and commercial.

Francesco Talin - Technical Manager Diploma in Geometra (Technical Surveyor) "Antonio Canova" in Vicenza; Real Estate Agent licensed since 2006. 27 years experience in a precast manufacturing company mainly as Technical Director and then promoted as CEO. Responsible for productions, jobsites, internal and external safety; supporting Purchase Office and Sales Department; 7 years experience within a precast tank manufacturing company as worker initially and then technical surveyor.

Franco Pezzutti - Structural Engineer Master Degree in Structural Civil Engineer in Padova; Diploma in Liceo Classico (humanities subjects) in Venice; State licensed as professional in compliance with fire prevention law no. 818/1984; Licensed as Static approval by “Ordine degli Ingegneri” in Treviso. 26 years experience as technical employee within different precast manufacturing companies; mainly involved in structural calculation for precast buildings and supervising production processes.
CY Cergy Paris Université

Elhem GHORBEL has completed his PhD at the age of 27 years in materials science and engineering from the National High Engineering School of Mines - Paris. She is Professor at CY Cergy Paris University in the department of Civil Engineering (IUT) and a member of Laboratory of Materials and Mechanics of Civil Engineering (L2MGC) since 2003. She has several institutional activities and scientific responsibilities at national and international levels. She has managed several research projects. Her research interests cover the mix design, the mechanical and fracture behavior of materials ( self-compacting, bituminous and resin concretes, composites , polymers), the valorization of inert and industrial wastes in concrete, the repairing and strengthening of concrete by composites, the durability of heterogeneous materials (aging, Chemical attacks, biodegradation and freezing-thawing resistance). Mrs. Ghorbel has supervised 16 defended theses and she supervises actually 4 PhD candidates. She has published more than 60 papers in reputed journals, 100 conference papers, 4 book chapters and she was invited to give more than 12 plenary conferences. She is editorial board member of Advances in Civil Engineering, buildings, …. She participated in the organization of about ten conferences and is in the scientific committee of about thirty international conferences. In MINRESCUE, she is the coordinator of the CY Cergy Paris University involved in WP2 (task 2.1) and WP3(tasks 3.1, 3.2 and 3.3).

Annelise COUSTURE is an Engineer in Civil Engineering Laboratory (L2MGC) of CY Cergy Paris Université. She is mainly responsible for carrying out laboratory physicochemical characterization of construction materials. Her technical skills are mainly on scanning electron microscopy, thermal analyzes, spectroscopies (Raman, Infrared, Energy-dispersive X-ray) and X-ray diffraction. She has been involved in technical projects supported by the Ile de France region (SESAME projects): CERASEM (Scientific manager, acquisition of a SEM coupled with a Raman spectrometer in 2015) and COMICER (acquisition of a confocal microscope in 2010). Her recent research, PhD still in progress, focuses on manufacturing building materials with low environmental footprint. She develops and optimizes mortars obtained by alkaline activation of limestone, studies the thermochemical process involved and characterizes the materials obtained. In MINRESCUE project, Annelise is particularly involved in WP2 (Task 2.1).

George WARDEH is an associate professor at CY Cergy Paris University in the department of Civil Engineering (IUT) and a member of Laboratory of Materials and Mechanics of Civil Engineering (L2MGC) since 2007. He was the head of the civil engineering department between 2016-2019 and he is currently a member of the academic council of CY Cergy-Paris University. He participated in many research projects and he is a member of the editorial board of Journal of Building physics. He co-supervised seven defended PhD thesis and supervises actually two PhD candidates. The research that Dr Wardeh leads is structured into three converging axes: The first axis concerns the frost behavior of construction materials and concrete more particularly. The main aim is to explain the behavior of construction materials within the framework of poromechanics. The second axis is dedicated to the activities on recycled aggregate concrete which are extended from the mix design of these special concretes until the behavior analysis of reinforced recycled concrete beams. The third axis is related to the post-cracking behavior of concrete. The objective is to study the effect of freezing–thawing cycles and recycled aggregates on the fracture energy and the softening behavior of concrete using inverse analysis methods. George WARDEH published 20 research papers, three book’s chapter and more than 40 national and international conferences.

Lilian CRISTOFOL is Engineer in materials science at Mechanics and Materials of Civil Engineering Laboratory (L2MGC) and Departement of Civil Engineering at the CY Cergy Paris University, France (since 2007) with specialization in mechanical (mechanical test bench), thermical (mainly conductivity) and physico-chemical properties (Scanning Electron Microscopy coupled with Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy) characterization of mineral based materials (natural stones, concrete and cement), coupled with computation skills (mainly 3D modeling an programming). For computer tasks, he's the webmaster of Mechanics and Materials of Civil Engineering Laboratory (L2MGC) and Civil Engineering Department websites (since 2007) and he gives, as temporary teacher, directed studies and practical work for students of License 3 Sciences for the Civil Engineer tray 3), within the framework of the Computer Science Teaching Unit -"Algorithmics and C language". I'm involved in differents projects: co-worker of PREVENT project for 3D modeling ( since 2017, member of the organizing committee of 2018 AFGC (Association Française de Génie Civil) symposium at Cergy-Pontoise University, France, and co-worker for ECOREB ANR (mechanical testing), part of national project RECYBETON (2012 - 2018), for the main ones. In MINRESCUE, he'll be mainly involved in WP3.

Manuel De Cabo Discipline: BSc Civil Engineer. Politécnica University of Madrid. Position in SUBTERRA: TECHNICAL MANAGER Brief description: The professional activity of Mr. de Cabo started in 1997 in the field of Underground Constructions. In this branch, Mr. de Cabo has been involved in a number of different studies (High speed railways, Conventional railways and underground metros, several Roads, Tunnel inspection and rehabilitation, hydraulic and mining projects, as well as assistance during tunnel construction). Mr. de Cabo has international experience and he has participated in several projects in Spain, Peru and Chile.

David De Paz Discipline: BSc + MSc Geological Engineer. Complutense University of Madrid. MSc Master in Tunnels and Underground Works. UPM-AETOS. Position in SUBTERRA: HEAD OF R&D+i DEPARTMENT Brief description Mr. de Paz has 14 years of professional experience in the field of Civil Engineering. The professional activity of Mr. de Paz started in 2007 in the field of the applied Geology and he has been developed, specially, in the field of the Geotechnical Engineering. In this last branch, Mr. Paz has been involved in numerous projects and geotechnical studies (railways, roads, hydraulics projects and mining) with a special emphasis in tunnelling and underground works. He has also been in close contact with several R+D projects. Mr. de Paz has international experience and he has participated in several projects in Spain, Peru and Chile.

Joaquín Díaz Discipline: BSc Degree in Geology. Mineral deposits. University of Huelva. 2016 MSc Master in Geology and Environmental Management of Mineral Resources. Universidad Internacional Andalucía. 2017 Position in SUBTERRA: Geologist of Technical Department Brief description: The professional activity of Mr. Díaz started in 2016 in the field of the applied Geology and he has been developed, specially, in the field of the Geotechnical Engineering. In this last branch, Mr. Díaz has been involved in numerous projects and geotechnical studies with a special emphasis in tunneling and underground works.

Pablo Gimeno Discipline: BSc Geological Engineer. Complutense University of Madrid. Position in SUBTERRA: Worker of R&D+i Department Brief description: The professional activity of Mr. Gimeno started in 2019 in the field of Geotechnical Engineering in Subterra as an internship trainee inside the R&D+i department. Within this field he has started his training in collaboration with underground geotechnical projects and research and development project proposals, as well as in the elaboration of geotechnical campaigns.
Lubelski Węgiel Bogdanka S.A. (LWB)

Łukasz Herezy

Michał Marciniak

Bartosz Marciniak
Polska Grupa Gornicza S.A. (PGG)

Bartłomiej Bezak is an experienced manager with a proven track record in the mining and metal industries. He has skills in IT service management, IT strategy, management, team management and IT management. A strong manager with the title of MSc. focuses on Technical Physics at the Silesian University of Technology (SUT) - specialization in environmental physics. He coordinates research and development projects of RFCS funds and the Polish National Center for Research and Development. Head of the Team of Innovation and New Technologies, Project Manager at Polska Grupa Górnicza S.A (Polish Mining Group).
Institute of Opencast Mining (PTG)

Barbara Rogosz
DTEK Energy Limited Liability Company (DTEK)

Aleksey Zhukovskiy