CLAHRC for Birmingham and Black Country
In this section, we provide information and archive web pages from the CLAHRC for Birmingham and Black Country Pilot, which ran from October 2008 to December 2013.
Our work involves seven research themes, each addressing national health policy initiatives, such as those emphasised in Lord Ara Darzi's Next Stage Review and reflecting local policies. All themes associated with matched funds provided by the relevant local NHS organisation. These themes are:
- Theme 1 - From structure to function: health service redesign
- Theme 2 - Evaluation of paediatric outreach services
- Theme 3 - Early detection and interventions in psychosis
- Theme 4 - Housing and health: SMART, equal, independent
- Theme 5 - Redesigned maternity support services for multi-ethnic disadvantaged groups
- Theme 6 - Investment in prevention (evaluation of targeted prevention of cardiovascular disease in primary care)
- Theme 7 - Optimisation of the management of stroke and transient ischaemic attack (TIA)
We have two implementation themes, both addressing national health policy initiatives and reflecting local policy priorities. Both themes are associated with matched funds provided by the relevant NHS organisation. These themes are:
- Theme 8 - Implementation of effective community care for diabetes
- Theme 9 - Improving patient safety: studying an evolving IT system
We have also developed cross-cutting topics, which have been prioritised through the steer of our Scientific Advisory Group to enhance synergy across our nine themes. Through the development of cross-cutting research activities, our aim is to develop scientific thinking in the areas of epistemology and methodology, sociology, and knowledge management.
NIHR CLAHRC for Birmingham and Black Country
School of Health & Population Sciences
Room 104, 90 Vincent Drive
University of Birmingham
Birmingham B15 2SP