Below is a list of the papers published by Theme 5 within the CLAHRC WM grant period. Where possible, we also include the Altmetric score of each research output. Altmetrics are metrics and qualitative data that are complementary to traditional, citation-based metrics. They can include (but are not limited to) peer reviews on Faculty of 1000, citations on Wikipedia and in public policy documents, discussions on research blogs, mainstream media coverage, bookmarks on reference managers like Mendeley, and mentions on social networks.
- Croft C, Currie G, Staniszewska S. Moving from rational to normative ideologies of control over public involvement: A case of continued managerial dominance. Social Science & Medicine. 2016; 162:124-132.
- Wiedner R, Barrett M, Oborn E. The Emergence of Change in Unexpected Places: Resourcing across organizational practices in strategic change. Academy of Management Journal. 2016; [epub ahead of print]
- Oborn E, Barrett SK. Digital health and citizen engagement: Changing the face of health service delivery. Health Services Management Research. 2016;29(1-2):16-20.
- Schmidtke K. A. Watson D. G. Vlaev I. The Use of Control Charts by Lay-people and Hospital decision-makers for Guiding Decision Making. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 2016 Mar 30:1-41. [Epub ahead of print].
- Radaelli G, Sitton-Kent L. Middle Managers and the Translation of New Ideas in Organizations: A Review of Micro-practices and Contingencies. International Journal of Management Reviews. 2016 [epub ahead of print].
- Currie G. Developing Organizational Capabilities for Knowledge Mobilization.
- Rycroft-Malone J, Burton CR, Harvey G, McCormack B, Baker R, Dopson S, Graham ID, Staniszewska S, Thompson C, Ariss S, Melville-Richards L, Williams L. Collective action for implementation: a realist evaluation of organisational collaboration in healthcare. Implementation Science. 2016;11(1):17.
- Spyridonidis D, Currie G. The translational role of hybrid nurse middle managers in implementing clinical guidelines: Effect of and upon professional and managerial hierarchy. British Journal of Management. 2016. [epud ahead of print]
- White L, Currie G, Lockett A. Pluralized leadership in complex organizations: Exploring the cross network effects between leadership influence and informal network relations. Leadership Quarterly. 2016;27(2):280-297.
- Currie G. Healthcare organizations and narratives of healthcare reform. In E. Ferlie K. Montgomery A. R. Pedersen (Eds.) Oxford Handbook of Healthcare Management. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Currie G, Tuck P, Morrell K. How hybrid managers act as ‘canny customers’ to accelerate policy reform: A case study of regulator-regulatee relationships in the UK’s tax agency. Accounting Auditing & Accountability Journal. 2016;28(8):1-28.
- Currie G, Croft C. Examining hybrid nurse managers as a case of identity transition in healthcare: Developing a balanced research agenda. Work Employment and Society. 2015;29(5):855-865.
- Currie G, Burgess N. Enhancing the knowledge brokering capability of hybrid middle managers in a professionalized context. In: S.W. Floyd & B. Wooldridge (Eds.) Handbook of Middle Management Research on Strategy Process. Edward Elgar Press.
- Currie G, Croft C. Enhancing absorptive capacity of healthcare organizations: The case of commissioning service interventions to avoid undesirable older people's admissions to hospitals. In: Swan J, Newell S, Nicolini D. Mobilizing Knowledge in Healthcare. Oxford: Oxford University Press; 2016. p.65-81.
- Currie G, Spyridonidis D. Interpretation of Multiple Institutional Logics on the Ground: Actors’ position their agency and situational constraints in professionalized contexts. Organization Studies. 2015. [epub ahead of print].
- Scarbrough H, D'Andreta D, Evans S, Marabelli M, Newell S, Powell J, Swan J. Networked innovation in the health sector: comparative qualitative study of the role of Collaborations for Leadership in Applied Health Research and Care in translating research into practice. Health Services and Delivery Research. 2014;2(13).
- Sausman C, Oborn E, Barrett M. Policy translation through localisation: implementing national policy in the UK. Policy and Politics. 2014.
- Burgess N, Strauss K, Currie G, Wood G. Organizational ambidexterity and the hybrid middle manager: The case of patient safety in UK hospitals. Human Resource Management. 2015; 54(S1): s87–s109.
- Story GW, Vlaev I, Dayan P, Seymour B, Darzi A, Dolan R. Anticipation and choice heuristics in the dynamic consumption of pain relief. PLoS Computational Biology. 2015;11(3):e1004030.
- Currie G, Burgess N, Hayton J. HR practices and knowledge brokering by hybrid middle managers in hospital settings: The influence of professional hierarchy. Human Resource Management. 2015;54(5):793-812.
- Swanson RC, Atun R, Best A, Betigeri A, de Campos F, Chunharas S, Collins T, Currie G, Jan S, McCoy D, Omaswa F, Sanders D, Sundararaman T, Van Damme W. Strengthening health systems in low income countries by enhancing organizational capacities and improving institutions. Globalization and Health. 2014;11(5).
- McGivern G, Currie G, Ferlie E, Fitzgerald L, Waring J. Hybrid manager-professionals’ identity work: The maintenance and hybridization of professionalism in managerial contexts. Public Administration. 2015;93(2):412-432.
- Croft C, Currie G, Lockett A. The impact of emotionally important social identities on the construction of managerial leader identity: A challenge for nurses in the English NHS. Organization Studies. 2015;36(1):113-131.
- Hipwell AE, Sturt J, Lindenmeyer A, Stratton I, Gadsby R, O'Hare P, Scanlon PH. Attitudes access and anguish: a qualitative interview study of staff and patients' experiences of diabetic retinopathy screening. BMJ Open. 4:e005498.
- Currie G, Burgess N, White L, Lockett A, Gladman J, Waring J. A qualitative study of the knowledge-brokering role of middle-level managers in service innovation: managing the translation gap in patient safety for older persons care. Health Services and Delivery. 2014;2(32).
- Lindenmeyer A, Sturt JA, Hipwell A, al-Athamneh N Gadsby R, O'Hare JP, Stratton IM, Scanlon PH. Influence of primary care practices on patients’ uptake of diabetic retinopathy screening: a qualitative case study. British Journal of General Practice 2014 64 (625) e484-e492.
- Currie G, El Enany N, Lockett A. Intra-professional dynamics in translational health research: The perspective of social scientists. Social Science & Medicine. 2014;114:81-8.
- Spyridonidis D, Currie G, Heusinkveld S, Strauss K, Sturdy A. New developments in translation research. International Journal of Management Reviews. 2014;16(2):245-248.
Theme 5 links
Theme Lead
Professor Graeme Currie, Warwick Business School, University of Warwick
- Healthcare providers who are partners in all four service themes
- University of Warwick
- University of Birmingham