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CENTS 2nd Call for Feasibility Studies

CE Definition
A circular economy is an alternative to a traditional linear economy (make, use, dispose) in which we keep resources in use for as long as possible, extract the maximum value from them whilst in use, then recover and regenerate products and materials at the end of each service life. (Source: WRAP)

Feasibility study funding call - NOW CLOSED
The CENTS research network invites proposals for collaborations between academic and industry partners that will enable cross-disciplinary, foresightful and risky early stage research. Applications involving Early Career Researchers (ECRs), and proposing interdisciplinary and cross sector research are particularly encouraged. The expectation is to fund up to four projects of up to a maximum value of £50,000 at full Economic Cost (fEC), with funding to be awarded at 80% fEC. Projects are expected to be approximately 6 months in length, and must complete before the end of Jan 2022.
Note to Early Career Applicants: Leading a CENTS project will not affect eligibility to the New Investigator Award scheme.

Fit with the CENTS Network
In this second round, we again welcome applications from a wide range of disciplines addressing circular economy challenges in transport that fall within our 5 Research StrandsLink opens in a new window. We would also be interested in proposals that tackle some of the key challenges identified in our material requirement roadmapping survey and workshops.Link opens in a new window

Key dates

15 Feb 21

Call for proposals opens

31 Mar 21

Deadline for submission (5 pm)

1 Jun 21

Successful proposals announced

All feasibility studies must complete by end of January 2022

We are happy to answer your proposal development questions.

For any queries, please get in touch with the CENTS Network Manager (Dr Rika Nair) by email

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