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Alessandrini, D., 2022. A Not So ‘New Dawn’ for International Economic Law and Development: Towards a Social Reproduction Approach to GVCs. European Journal of International Law, 33(1), pp.131-162.
- Alessandrini, D., 2022. Global value chains, development and the long duree of trade and investment law. Leiden Journal of International Law, 35(3), pp.619-640.
- Alessandrini, D., Cortes-Nieto, J.D.P., Eslava, L. and Vastardis, A.Y., 2022. The dream of formality: Racialization otherwise and international economic lawLink opens in a new window. Journal of International Economic Law, 25(2), pp.207-223.
- Natile, S., 2020. The exclusionary politics of digital financial inclusion: Mobile money, gendered wallsLink opens in a new window. Routledge.
- Beaumier, G., Kalomeni, K., Campbell‐Verduyn, M., Lenglet, M., Natile, S., Papin, M., Rodima‐Taylor, D., Silve, A. and Zhang, F., 2020. Global regulations for a digital economy: Between new and old challenges.Link opens in a new window Global policy, 11(4), pp.515-522.
- Natile, S., 2020. Digital finance inclusion and the mobile money “social” enterpriseLink opens in a new window. Historical Social Research/Historische Sozialforschung, 45(3), pp.74-94.
- Novitz, T., 2022. Sustainable Labour Conditionality in EU Free Trade Agreements? Implications of the EU Korea Expert Panel Report. European law review, (1), pp.3-23.
- Novitz, T.A., 2022. SDG 8: Promote Sustained, Inclusive and Sustainable Economic Growth, Full and Productive Employment and Decent Work for All. In The Cambridge Handbook of the Sustainable Development Goals and International Law (pp. 208-230). Cambridge University Press.
- Novitz, T., 2021. Enforceable social clauses in trade agreements with ‘bite’? Implications of the EU–South Korea Panel of Experts Report of 20 January 2021Link opens in a new window Implications of the EU–South Korea Panel of Experts Report of, 20.
- Novitz, T., 2020. Engagement with sustainability at the International Labour Organization and wider implications for collective worker voiceLink opens in a new window. International Labour Review, 159(4), pp.463-482.
- Novitz, T., 2020. Social Sustainability, Labour and Trade: Forging ConnectionsLink opens in a new window. In Legal Perspectives on Sustainability (pp. 159-186). Bristol University Press.
- Bellinkx, V., Casalin, D., Türkelli, G.E., Scholtz, W. and Vandenhole, W., 2022. Addressing climate change through international human rights law: From (extra) territoriality to common concern of humankind.Link opens in a new windowTransnational Environmental Law, 11(1), pp.69-93.
- Erdem Türkelli, G., Krajewski, M. and Vandenhole, W., 2022. The Routledge Handbook on Extraterritorial Human Rights ObligationsLink opens in a new window(p. 500). Taylor & Francis.
- Türkelli, G.E., 2021. Multistakeholderism. In Encyclopedia of Law and Development (pp. 202-206). Edward Elgar Publishing.
- De Moerloose, S., Türkelli, G.E. and Curtis, J., 2021. Extraterritorial human rights obligations and international financial institutions.Link opens in a new window In The Routledge Handbook on Extraterritorial Human Rights Obligations (pp. 271-283). Routledge.
- Erdem Türkelli, G., 2021. Transnational Multistakeholder Partnerships as Vessels to Finance Development: Navigating the Accountability Waters.Link opens in a new window Global Policy, 12(2), pp.177-189.
- Erdem Türkelli, G., 2020. The best of both worlds or the worst of both worlds? Multilateral development banks, immunities and accountability to Link opens in a new windowrights-holdersLink opens in a new window. Hague Journal on the Rule of Law, 12(2), pp.251-281.
- Türkelli, G.E., 2020. Children's rights and business: governing obligations and responsibilityLink opens in a new window. Cambridge University Press.

- Bueno, N., Vastardis, A.Y. and Djeuga, I.N., 2023. Investor Human Rights and Environmental Obligations: The Need to Redesign Corporate Social Responsibility ClausesLink opens in a new window. The Journal of World Investment & Trade, 1(aop), pp.1-38.
- Alessandrini, D., Cortes-Nieto, J.D.P., Eslava, L. and Vastardis, A.Y., 2022. The dream of formality: Racialization otherwise and international economic lawLink opens in a new window. Journal of International Economic Law, 25(2), pp.207-223.
- Vastardis, A.Y., 2020. The nationality of corporate investors under international investment lawLink opens in a new window. Bloomsbury Publishing.