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How to start practising mindfulness

How to practice mindfulness

Mindfulness can help you to unwind and re-focus on what's important. Try these exercises and see if they help you to slow down and reconnect with yourself.

Mindful meditation

This first exercise helps you to slow down and clear your mind.

Start practicing meditation

Body scan

A body scan can help you to become more aware of the sensations in your body, and more in-tune with your needs.

Do a body scan

Mindful eating

This exercise can help you to experience and enjoy your food more. Chewing your food slowly can help your digestion and can help you to eat the right amount of food too.

Eat mindfully

Processing negative feelings

This exercise can help you to work through difficult feelings and things that 'trigger' you.

Work through negative feelings

Five senses

This exercise can help to ground you in a few moments.

Use your five senses to feel grounded

Find out more

You can also see more detailed guidance on mindfulness from Wellbeing Support Services.

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