50th anniversary features
50@50 blog
50@50 is a special series of blog posts that is running throughout 2015, introducing you to 50 different Warwick people, all of whom have something interesting to say as we not only look back at what we’ve achieved in our relatively short time as a University, but also look forward and imagine what our future might look like. You’ll meet academics, students, alumni and administrative staff who will offer you a window on what life is like at the Times and Sunday Times’ University of the Year for 2015.
50@50 blog >>
Celebration poetry
The English and Comparative Studies creative writing team has an international reputation for producing award-winning published poets. A number of academic staff and alumni have recorded a year-long poetry cycle to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the University of Warwick.
Voices of the University
To celebrate our 50th Anniversary, the Institute of Advanced Study has been working on an oral history project entitled ‘Voices of the University’, collecting over 200 interviews with current and former staff, students and local residents, revealing the history of the University of Warwick through their voices.
The findings have been sumarised in a series of podcasts which draw together some interesting common themes and feature clips taken directly from the interviews. There will be a podcast for each month of the 50th year, together with an accompanying blog post, highlighting the experiences and shared encounters of all who have been involved with the University of Warwick in any way over the past five decades.
Voices of the University >>
Count-up to 50
What has happened at Warwick each year since the University opened its doors in 1965? Find out in our Count-up to 50 series
Count-up to 50 >>
Warwick memories
Alumni, staff and current students share their memories of Warwick.