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New article by Koldo San Sebastian (in Spanish) on Los Vascos de Liverpool

For anybody who reads Spanish, Basque journalist and historian Koldo San Sebastián has just published this article on Los vascos de Liverpool (The Liverpool Basques; click the title above to read it!). It appeared on Euskonews on 7 January. It draws on David Eccles's book on the Larrinaga Shipping Company and mentions Liverpool Basque names including Abaitua, Aguirre, Albizua, Altuna, Ansuategui, Arrotegui, Beobide, Beotegui, Bilbao, Cafranga, Clemencot, Eizaga, Elordieta, Elustondo, Garagarza, Gorrino, Imaz, Iturraspe, Larrinaga, Larrocea, Longa, Luzuriaga, Mendiola, Olano, Oleaga,Ozamiz, Rementeria, Soberon, Telleria, Uribe, Uruburu, Ybarrondo, and F[ernandez] Zarza.

Many thanks to Ray Waring for the link!

Thu 15 Jan 2015, 12:45 | Tags: Basque Larrinaga Media

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