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Dissertation Expression of Interest

You may access full guidance on Moodle. Please remember that this is NOT an assessed submission, it is an Expression of Interest that allows us to pair you up with a supervisor. Therefore, do not be too concerned about it being detailed—we are simply asking to signal the general direction in which you wish to pursue your final year project.

When allocating supervisors, priority will be given to students who submitted the form below by the end of Monday, 26 June 2023 (end of the day). If you missed the first deadline, please submit an expression of interest by Thursday, 21 September 2023 (end of the day), so that we can allocate you a supervisor.

For any questions, please email Dr Feng Mao (


3. I have discussed this proposal with my personal tutor
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This form will be used to manage the submission of research proposals. Your submission will be recorded and associated with your name, but no other personally identifiable data will be stored, and the data will be used as a record of the submission and shared with your personal tutor and prospective supervisor

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Please find guidance (including a .doc template of the Expression of Interest form) on the Dissertation moodle spaceLink opens in a new window.