Buildings and energy performance
This workstream - led by Ian Jefferson and Marwa El-Cheikh, based at the University of Birmingham - involves developing the skills of tomorrow's energy efficient building practioners with the set up of an MRes 'Engineering, Sustainability and Resilience' training programme. The course combines theory with practice as the students will benefit from Science City investment supporting the installation of monitoring facilities across the University to inform how existing buildings actually perform relative to design intention. Science City funds have been used to refurbish a new computer laboratory for the students.
The MRes began in October 2010 and involves the following core modules:
- Sustainability and Resilience Research Project (120 credits)
- Research Skills and Research Environment (20 credits)
- Sustainable Construction (20 credits)
Optional modules include:
- Geotechnical Engineering
- Construction Management
- Structural Engineering
- Water Resources Management and Engineering
- Road Management and Engineering
- Wind Engineering
- Energy