Smart grids
Efficient operation and control of Smart Grids with distributed power generation
The facilities comprise of the following key pieces of equipment:
The laboratory can be used for research on:
This research facility is led by Dr Xiao-Ping Zhang, Reader in energy distribution systems at the University of Birmingham. His expertise is wide-ranging including: application of power electronics such as FACTS (Flexible AC Transmission System) and CUSTOM POWER in transmission and distribution systems; technologies for smart grids; power system economics; large scale power system optimisation and planning; analysis and control of power system stability; power quality and harmonics; integration of distributed generation (embedded generation) into electrical power systems; and micro-generation and micro-grids. Already working with companies such as E.ON, ABB, Areva, Dr Zhang is keen to develop new partnerships, particularly with local businesses from the West Midlands region. For further information, including proposals for collaboration or access to the facilities:
Dr Xiao-Ping Zhang, School of Electronic, Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Birmingham, B15 2TT. Email: Tel: +44 (0) 121 414 4298
or Mike Ahearne, Business Engagement Manager for the Birmingham Science City Energy Efficiency & Demand project. Email: Mobile tel: +44 (0)7824 541173
These facilities are based at the University of Birmingham
Download information about the facilities in brochure format here .
For more technical detail about the equipment/facility, click here