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Project Structure

In order to achieve the specific objectives of MINRESCUE, an exhaustive and integrated research plan is proposed including data collection; physical, geotechnical and structural experimental research; theoretical developments; numerical implementations; advanced modelling; data analysis; and life cycle studies. The challenging goal of research action is to develop reliable solutions for recycling CMWGs for high-grade construction applications. The aim of the project will be accomplished through a series of well-defined objectives as listed in the sequel. The project will be carried out through five specific work packages (WPs). Figure below shows an overview flowchart of the action. WPs 4 and 5 concern the coordination and dissemination of the project, respectively. The research activities of the action are carried out in three separate WPs, WP1 to WP3 listed below together with their specific objectives; they are followed by further elaboration of these WPs, thereafter.

  • WP1: Advanced physical and chemical characterisation of CMWGs and their treatment.
    • To create a publicly available database on “itemised” classification database to pave the way for their rational use as secondary raw materials
    • To determine physical and chemical compositions of CMWGs for their upcycling in construction applications
    • To develop novel methods to remediate CMWGs to make them suitable for large scale upcycling applications in construction industry
  • WP2: Mechanical experiments and advanced modelling of the short- and long-term behaviour of treated CMWGs.
    • To unravel underlying mechanisms that control mechanical transformations of treated CMWGs and the time-dependent evolution of their behaviour;
    • Determine transport properties of treated CMWGs
    • To determine coupled hydro-mechanical kinetics of the CMWGs and their formulations into advanced constitutive relationships;
    • To create quantitative models for predicting and interpreting the behaviour of treated CMWGs in natural and engineered environments.
  • WP3: Closing the cycle of CMWGs application in construction.
    • To develop a mix-design protocol for the use of CMWGs as constituents of ordinary Portland cement and polymer concrete
    • To characterize mechanical and durability performance of cementitious and polymer composites made with CMWGs as replacement of conventional (stone) aggregates
    • To propose a protocol for structural design and monitoring of elements made with concretes containing CMWGs as replacement of conventional constituents
    • To develop a life cycle assessment of construction products made with concretes containing CMWGs as replacement of conventional constituents
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This project has received funding from the Research Fund for Coal and Steel under grand agreement No 899518